akshitagupta15june / Face-X

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Movies and song recommendation system based on facial expressions #1825

Open Pranshu-jais opened 3 weeks ago

Pranshu-jais commented 3 weeks ago

Building facial expression recognition-based movie and music suggestion website that cheer up users and saves time while searching for a movie or song that matches their mood. It will recognizes facial expression based on the 7 categories i.e., angry, sad, fear, happy, disgust, surprise and neutral. Based on the emotion it will gives user two choices either suggesting movies or songs. If user wishes to watch movies/songs then a list of movies/songs matching their mood are suggested with movie/songs poster.

Approach: i will use deeplearning model MobileNet and deploy the model on a website created with HTML and CSS using the flask framework. please assign me this task under GSSOC'2024 with appropriate level (1/2/3) expected level : 3

Sarthak2426 commented 2 weeks ago

@Pranshu-jais can you please assign this task to me ?