akshitagupta15june / Face-X

Demonstration of different algorithms and operations on faces. Star the repo⭐
MIT License
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Human Image Verification - Keras model based model development #1836

Open Sushanth-Hebri opened 2 weeks ago

Sushanth-Hebri commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @akshitagupta15june , as it is a great repo related to my interest, I want to make a contribution on human image recognition based on the Keras model developed. Looking forward to work together thank you ❤️

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @Sushanth-Hebri, Thank you for generating an issue to this project! Please wait while we get back to you.

Sushanth-Hebri commented 2 weeks ago

@akshitagupta15june can you please add Level label also as , it will take some time to accomplish the task. Expecting Level 2 or 3

thank you

adityasingh-0803 commented 3 days ago

i can work on this kindly assign it please