akshitagupta15june / Moksh

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[BUG] Buttons(Share, Save and Print) in karma page not working #1670

Closed nik-rawat closed 3 weeks ago

nik-rawat commented 3 weeks ago


The share, save, and print buttons are not responsive in the karma.html page

Describe the bug: The buttons in karma page are not doing anything.

Expected behaviour: share button should copy the page URL, save button should download it, and print button will open print pop up.

Actual behaviour: These buttons are not responsive.

Reproduction Steps

Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Go to 'navigation bar'.
  3. Click on 'READ MORE'.
  4. Try to click on share, save and print buttons.
  5. See the error.

Expected result: These buttons should convey their functions.

Actual result: There is no function call for these buttons.



github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Congratulations, @nik-rawat! 🎉 Thank you for creating your issue for Moksh. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with you to resolve the issue. Keep up the great work! Should you have any queries or require guidance, do not hesitate to ask.

nik-rawat commented 3 weeks ago

Kindly assign this issue to me.


akshitagupta15june commented 3 weeks ago

Go for it!