akshitagupta15june / Moksh

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Adding Toggle Effect to SUBSCRIBE Button #1705

Open kashvi9 opened 2 weeks ago

kashvi9 commented 2 weeks ago


The Subscribe Button in 'Sign up for newsletter section' in Footer of home page doesn't toggle.

Here's a screenshot, image

Hello PA @akshitagupta15june , I can add this effect to this button once assigned this issue under GSSOC'24. Thank you

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Congratulations, @kashvi9! 🎉 Thank you for creating your issue for Moksh. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with you to resolve the issue. Keep up the great work! Should you have any queries or require guidance, do not hesitate to ask.

anshikatiwari20 commented 1 week ago

Description: The current SUBSCRIBE button does not have a toggle effect. I would like to add a toggle effect which will enhance the user experience by providing immediate feedback on the subscription status.

Screenshot: Screenshot 2024-06-18 174549

@akshitagupta15june I am a GSSoC contributor and would like to work on adding a toggle effect to the SUBSCRIBE button as described in issue #1705. Could you please assign this issue to me and add the GSSoC label? Thank you!

kashvi9 commented 5 days ago

@akshitagupta15june Please assign this issue to me under GSSOC24