akstoulil / Group-Project-1

First group project for Adv C++
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Group Project Prototype #8

Open akstoulil opened 6 years ago

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone! Just checking in on how things are going. Sorry that I haven't messaged for a few days, I got pretty busy with homework and stuff. Do we have a plan for who is going to work on what for this week? I know that we still need to figure out how to count aces as either 1 or 11, we still need to get the split function done, and we still need to get the AI coded. We also need to figure out what our goals for turning in our working prototype are. If we all get what we are working on commented, I could work on putting together a word document for our group assignment detailing what each of us has been working on since our last update, and work on anything else on the project that needs completed. We also need to say about how many hours each of us believe we have worked on the project for the group update. Any feedback is appreciated!

minin43 commented 6 years ago

Who is it that had the working prototype? We need to all restart working from the same baseplate.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

I have the working prototype on the branch called TestBranch. I think from there, we should all create our own branches that are based off of this branch, in order for us to all be on the same page with our code.

minin43 commented 6 years ago

Remind me again what the major difference is between the two? It was just changes made to the driver class, yea?

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

Well, for the differences I had to make this a different project, since I was getting strange errors in the external dependencies. For the other differences, I have made changes to the driver, main function cpp file, the player class, and other various changes. I currently left the hand class commented out since I was getting some errors with it for some reason.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

I currently have a start on the word document, and once we get answers back from everyone about what we are all going to work on and about how much time we each have spent on the project, I could probably get that finished up. Other than that, the only thing left would be to work on fleshing out our current prototype more before we turn our group assignment in for class on Thursday. I have worked a little on the project. I have the aces either count as 1 or 11 mechanic pretty much done, I just haven't uploaded it quite yet.

minin43 commented 6 years ago

So here's what I'm thinking: the main branch only contains the files we work directly with (driver, function main, classes, etc), and our own branches can contain all the additional binary files 'n shit VS throws in when you save. When you push/pull an update from the main from/onto your branch, you'll only push/pull the 5 or so files that are needed.

That should remedy the strange problems half of you were having with some of the files throwing errors.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

But the problem is that when I get the repository downloaded from the main branch, it already contains the errors that I have been having. No one else seems to see these errors, so I chose to make the new project on the TestBranch to clear up these errors. If we could all work off of the TestBranch, that would make things a lot easier when it comes to dealing with errors and testing our program. Also, should I update the test branch with my changes for the aces?

minin43 commented 6 years ago

You didn't read my reply.

And yes, push your updates as you make them.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

Could you say what it is that I'm missing? I thought that your reply was saying that when I push or pull an update from the main branch onto my branch that I should only pull the files that are needed. I thought we should each either work off of the test branch or create branches based off of the test branch, and make our changes in pull requests based off of those branches.

minin43 commented 6 years ago

The main branch only contains the 5 or so files we work with. A version of them that doesn't throw errors for anyone. you only ever pull the 5 files you need for updates and you should only ever push the 5 files if you do an update. Everyone else has their own branch they push and pull files from in to the main branch.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

Ok, but if each of us has our own branches based off of the test branch, why do we want to create pull requests for the main branch when we could create pull requests on the test branch, that currently has the most updated version of our project?

minin43 commented 6 years ago

I guess it doesn't really matter, but it makes sense the main branch is the main branch (since it's also the default) to push/pull from.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

I get what you're saying about the main branch. It's just that the project in the test branch is a different project from the one on the master branch. I can't go to the master branch very much because of the strange errors that I get from it when pulling the main branch. These issues aside, do you have a preference on what you want to work on? I don't mean to rush you on the project or anything, but I just need to know what you plan on doing so I can enter it into the word document. Also for the group word document I need to know about how long each group member estimates they have worked on the project for.

minin43 commented 6 years ago

If we're counting discussion among ourselves and/or reviewing of other's code, we could probably all add an hour or two to the total, but I'd say 2-3 hours myself.

And I'll have to get back to you about what I can work on for next week. I don't think we have a solid game plan yet for what all needs to be accomplished. I suppose the opponent AI? Although I think someone else was doing that.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

Sounds good. I'll ask our teacher some questions about the group assignment that's due here Thursday. I'm not sure if he wants us to have all of our updates for this week in on our prototype or not. Once everyone else responds to these messages we could probably get a more clear idea of what each of us are going to do for the project.

CrazyCarl78 commented 6 years ago

Sorry I am late responding to emails. I have been busy with homework from other classes, so I haven't been working on the project much lately.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

It's all good. Do you have an idea of what you want to work on? Also about how long would you say that you have worked on the project for? I just need to know that for the word document that we have to turn in alongside our prototype.

CrazyCarl78 commented 6 years ago

I can work on the opponent AI. I would say I worked on the project about 3 hours.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

Sounds good. I'm not sure if our teacher wants us to have these updates done by next class or not. I would personally assume that he just wants a working prototype in addition to our word document detailing our update. Also have/are you going to be working off of the test branch? Sorry for asking, I just want to make sure that we are all on the same page with where we are going to be pushing our updates and pull requests to.

CrazyCarl78 commented 6 years ago

I was going to create a new branch off of the test branch.

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

Ok, sounds good. Thanks for letting me know!

akstoulil commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone, just thought I should give you all an update on the group assignment due by class tomorrow. I have the word document all typed and ready, and I have the prototype all zipped up and ready to go. I'll attach the word document to this post so everyone can have a chance to look it over, and message me if you have any suggestions. I am hoping to turn it in later tonight, so any feedback is appreciated! Group Prototype Update.docx

minin43 commented 6 years ago

It looks good.

agkingrey commented 6 years ago

It looks good to me. Sorry that I've been absent most this week. I've been keeping up on here on my phone, but had some unfortunate real life stuff come up. I am also going to be forking off the test branch, for simplicity sake.