akuker / SuperUPS

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Host Monitoring Script missing dependency libraries #6

Closed stinkerton18 closed 2 years ago

stinkerton18 commented 2 years ago

Raspberry Pi Version: 3B RaSCSI Board: Fullspec, v2.3 SuperUPS Version: 1.0 pre-release

OS Release:

console@centris-pi:~ $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description:    Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:        11
Codename:       bullseye

When setting up the host_monitior script, upscontrol.py, it is attempting to import libraries that are missing from this repository but are included in a separate repository from the original/forked project. These missing dependencies are as follows:

stinkerton18 commented 2 years ago

I've combined these two into a single python script (kept getting errors with the i2c_with_crc module failing to import even with an absolute path added). This is the contents of ups.py:

from __future__ import print_function
import crc8
import time
import traceback

class I2CError(Exception):

class ReceiveCRCError(Exception):

class ReceiveSizeError(Exception):

class ReceiveUninitializedError(Exception):

class CRCError(Exception):

class NoMoreRetriesError(Exception):

class I2CWithCrc:
    def __init__(self, bus=None, addr=0x4, pi=None, sdaPin=2, sclPin=3):
        self.bus = bus
        self.addr = addr
        self.pi = pi
        self.sdaPin = sdaPin
        self.sclPin = sclPin

        self.errorIO = 0
        self.errorCRC = 0
        self.errorReceiveCRC = 0
        self.errorReceiveUninitialized = 0
        self.errorReceiveSize = 0
        self.errorSuccess = 0

        if (self.pi):
            # pigpiod
            self.pi.bb_i2c_open(self.sdaPin, self.sclPin, 100000)

    def errorCount(self):
        return self.errorIO + self.errorReceiveCRC + self.errorReceiveUninitialized + self.errorReceiveSize + self.errorCRC

    def readreg_once(self, reg):
        if self.bus:
            hash = crc8.crc8()
            crc = hash.digest()
            self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.addr, reg, [ord(crc)])

            data = self.bus.read_byte(self.addr)
            crc = self.bus.read_byte(self.addr)
            hash = crc8.crc8()
            crc = hash.digest()
            (count, i2cdata) = self.pi.bb_i2c_zip(self.sdaPin, 
                (4, self.addr,      # set addr to self.addr
                2, 7, 2, reg, crc,  # start, write two byte (reg, crc)
                2, 6, 1,            # (re)start, read one byte
                2, 6, 1,            # (re)start, read one byte
                3,                  # stop
                0))                 # end 
            if count<0:
                raise I2CError("i2c error")
            if count!=2:
                raise I2CError("i2c wrong byte count")

            data = i2cdata[0]
            crc = i2cdata[1]

        if (data == 0xFF) and (crc == 0xFF):
            raise ReceiveCRCError("receive crc error")
        if (data == 0xFF) and (crc == 0xFE):
            raise ReceiveSizeError("receive size error")
        if (data == 0xFF) and (crc == 0xFD):
            raise ReceiveUninitializedError("receive uninitialized error")

        hash = crc8.crc8()
        if crc != ord(hash.digest()):
            raise CRCError("crc error, data=%2X, crc=%2X, localCrc=%X" % (data, crc, ord(hash.digest())))

        return data

    def writereg_once(self, reg, v):
        if self.bus:
            hash = crc8.crc8()
            crc = hash.digest()
            self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.addr, reg, [v, ord(crc)])

            readBack = self.bus.read_byte(self.addr)
            crc = self.bus.read_byte(self.addr)
            hash = crc8.crc8()
            crc = hash.digest()
            (count, i2cdata) = self.pi.bb_i2c_zip(self.sdaPin, 
                (4, self.addr,         # set addr to self.addr
                2, 7, 3, reg, v, crc,  # start, write three bytes (reg, v, crc)
                2, 6, 1,            # (re)start, read one byte
                2, 6, 1,            # (re)start, read one byte
                3,                  # stop
                0))                 # end 
            if count<0:
                raise I2CError("i2c error")
            if count!=2:
                raise I2CError("i2c wrong byte count")

            readBack = i2cdata[0]
            crc = i2cdata[1]

        # note that readBack will actually return the next register. But,
        # that's alright, we don't care -- we just want to check to make
        # sure we didn't get an error back.

        if (readBack == 0xFF) and (crc == 0xFF):
            raise ReceiveCRCError("receive crc error")
        if (readBack == 0xFF) and (crc == 0xFE):
            raise ReceiveSizeError("receive size error")
        if (readBack == 0xFF) and (crc == 0xFD):
            raise ReceiveUninitializedError("receive uninitialized error")

        hash = crc8.crc8()
        if crc != ord(hash.digest()):
            raise CRCError("crc error, readBack=%2X, crc=%2X, localCrc=%X" % (readBack, crc, ord(hash.digest())))

    def readreg(self, reg):
        for i in range(0, 10):
                v = self.readreg_once(reg)
                self.errorSuccess += 1
                return v
            except I2CError:
                self.errorIO += 1
            except IOError:
                self.errorIO += 1
            except ReceiveCRCError:
                self.errorReceiveCRC += 1
            except ReceiveSizeError:
                self.errorReceiveSize += 1
            except ReceiveUninitializedError:
                self.errorReceivedUninitialized += 1
            except CRCError:
                self.errorCRC += 1
        raise NoMoreRetriesError()

    def writereg(self, reg, v):
        for i in range(0, 10):
                self.writereg_once(reg, v)
                self.errorSuccess += 1
            except I2CError:
                self.errorIO += 1
            except IOError:
                self.errorIO += 1
            except ReceiveCRCError:
                self.errorReceiveCRC += 1
            except ReceiveSizeError:
                self.errorReceiveSize += 1
            except ReceiveUninitializedError:
                self.errorReceivedUninitialized += 1
            except CRCError:
                self.errorCRC += 1
            except TypeError:
        raise NoMoreRetriesError()

    # different capitalization
    def readReg(self, reg):
        return self.readreg(reg)

    # different capitalization
    def writeReg(self, reg, v):
        self.writereg(reg, v)

class UPS(I2CWithCrc):
    def __init__(self, bus=None, addr=0x4, pi=None, sdaPin=2, sclPin=3):
        I2CWithCrc.__init__(self, bus, addr, pi, sdaPin, sclPin)

            self.r1 = self.readR1()
            self.r2 = self.readR2()
            print("XXX", self.r1, self.r2)
            print("WARNING: Failed to read R1 and R2")

        self.states = {0: "DISABLED",
                       1: "WAIT_OFF",
                       2: "WAIT_ON",
                       3: "POWERUP",
                       4: "RUNNING",
                       5: "FAIL_SHUTDOWN",
                       6: "FAIL_SHUTDOWN_DELAY",
                       7: "CYCLE_DELAY"}

    def vConv(self, x):
        return float(x)*2.56*(self.r1+self.r2)/self.r2/256.0

    def setCountdown(self, ms):
        if (ms is not None) and (ms>0) and (ms<100):
            # the minimum is 100ms
        return self.writereg(9, ms/100)

    def readR1(self):
        return self.readreg(16)

    def readR2(self):
        return self.readreg(17)

    def readCountdown(self):
        return self.readreg(9)

    def readVIN(self):
        return self.vConv(self.readreg(3))

    def readVUPS(self):
        return self.vConv(self.readreg(5))

    def readOnThresh(self):
        return self.vConv(self.readreg(7))

    def readOffThresh(self):
        return self.vConv(self.readreg(8))

    def readPowerUpThresh(self):
        return self.vConv(self.readreg(14))        

    def readShutdownThresh(self):
        return self.vConv(self.readreg(15))

    def readMosfet(self):
        return self.readreg(6)

    def setMosfet(self, v):
        self.writeReg(6, v)

    def readState(self):
        return self.readreg(10)

    def readRunCounter(self):
        return self.readreg(13)

    def readStateStr(self):
        state = self.readState()
        return self.states.get(state, str(state))

    def testWrite(self, x):
        self.writereg(0, x)

def diags(ups):
    print(ups.readreg(0), ups.readreg(2), ups.readreg(4), ups.readreg(6), ups.readreg(7), ups.readreg(8))
    print("onThresh=%0.2f, offThresh=%0.2f" % (ups.readOnThresh(), ups.readOffThresh()))

    lastVUPS = None
    lastVIN = None
    lastState = None
    lastCountdown = None
    lastErrorCount = 0
    count = 0
    while True:
            VUPS = ups.readVUPS()
            VIN = ups.readVIN()
            state = ups.readStateStr()
            runCounter = ups.readRunCounter()
            countdown = ups.readCountdown()
        except NoMoreRetriesError:

            ups.testWrite(count % 256)
        except NoMoreRetriesError:

        if (VUPS != lastVUPS) or (VIN != lastVIN) or (state != lastState) or (countdown != lastCountdown):
            print("%-20s, vin=%0.2f, vups=%0.2f rc=%d cd=%d" % (state, VIN, VUPS, runCounter, countdown))
            lastVUPS = VUPS
            lastVIN = VIN
            state = lastState

        errorCount = ups.errorCount
        if errorCount != lastErrorCount:
            print("ERR: success=%d, io=%d, crc=%d, rcv_crc=%d, rcv_size=%d, rcv_uninit=%d" % (ups.errorSuccess, ups.errorIO, ups.errorCRC, ups.errorReceiveCRC, ups.errorReceiveSize, ups.errorReceiveUninitialized))
            lastErrorCount = errorCount


def main():
    #import smbus
    #bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
    #ups = UPS(bus=bus)

    import pigpio
    pi = pigpio.pi()
    ups = UPS(pi=pi)


if __name__ == "__main__":

Then line 11 of upscontrol.py should be changed to: from ups import UPS, diags

if the ups.py script is placed in the same directory as the upscontrol.py script of course.

akuker commented 2 years ago

Could you take a look at pull request https://github.com/akuker/SuperUPS/pull/8 ? I think this addresses your concern.

Note: I've SUBSTANTIALLY simplified the python script from Dr. Baker's original version. There was a lot of functionality that I don't think is needed right away.

stinkerton18 commented 2 years ago

100% can confirm with pull request #8.