Closed 12nick12 closed 3 years ago
When I hit edit nothing happens. It shows the animation like it was hit, but nothing pops up.
I did notice when I'm on the main page I can swipe to the right and delete it that way.
There's indeed no way to edit an already created LN payment since that will have implications for its invoice.
What can be done is creating a new one (and old one can be deleted). Does this resolve the issue?
That's what I ended up doing. Just confusing since there's an edit option.
Oct 23, 2021 1:51:02 AM Anton Kumaigorodski @.***>:
There's indeed no way to edit an already created LN payment since that will have implications for its invoice.
What can be done is creating a new one (and old one can be deleted). Does this resolve the issue?
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Ah, I see, you probably mean a "pencil" edit under the QR code. That's a minor bug, it should not be there and it's been fixed in update
I created an inbound request, but am unable to edit to delete it since I'm actully not going to send money to it. I'm running CalyxOS on a Pixel 4a 5G.