Open jisuo opened 1 year ago
same with Gatsby:
31 | require("./assets/MarkerCluster.css");
32 | require("./assets/MarkerCluster.Default.css");
> 33 | delete leaflet_1.default.Icon.Default.prototype._getIconUrl;
| ^
34 | leaflet_1.default.Icon.Default.mergeOptions({
35 | iconRetinaUrl: require('./assets/marker-icon-2x.png').default,
36 | iconUrl: require('./assets/marker-icon.png').default,
WebpackError: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Default')
"dependencies": {
"@emotion/react": "^11.10.6",
"@emotion/styled": "^11.10.6",
"@mui/icons-material": "^5.11.16",
"@mui/material": "^5.12.0",
"gatsby": "^5.8.1",
"gatsby-plugin-image": "^3.8.0",
"gatsby-plugin-manifest": "^5.8.0",
"gatsby-plugin-offline": "^6.8.0",
"gatsby-plugin-react-helmet": "^6.8.0",
"gatsby-plugin-react-leaflet": "^4.0.3",
"gatsby-plugin-sass": "^6.8.0",
"gatsby-plugin-sharp": "^5.8.1",
"gatsby-plugin-sitemap": "^6.8.0",
"gatsby-source-filesystem": "^5.8.0",
"gatsby-source-graphql": "^5.8.0",
"gatsby-transformer-sharp": "^5.8.0",
"leaflet": "^1.9.3",
"leaflet.offline": "^2.1.0",
"react": "^18.1.0",
"react-dom": "^18.1.0",
"react-helmet": "^6.1.0",
"react-icons": "^4.8.0",
"react-leaflet": "^4.2.1",
"react-leaflet-cluster": "^2.1.0",
"react-slick": "^0.29.0",
"react-slick-styles": "^1.8.2",
"sass": "^1.62.0"
Anyone found a way to solve this?
Any news about this issue ?
I've used a different clustering solution:
import 'leaflet.markercluster'
import { createPathComponent } from '@react-leaflet/core'
import L, {
type LayerOptions,
type PolylineOptions,
type Icon,
type Point,
type DivIcon,
type Marker,
type FitBoundsOptions,
type LatLngBounds,
} from 'leaflet'
import type { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
export interface MarkerCluster extends Marker {
* Recursively retrieve all child markers of this cluster.
getAllChildMarkers(): Marker[]
* Returns the count of how many child markers we have.
getChildCount(): number
* Zoom to the minimum of showing all of the child markers, or the extents of this cluster.
zoomToBounds(options?: FitBoundsOptions): void
* Returns the cluster bounds.
getBounds(): LatLngBounds
* Spiderfies the child markers of this cluster.
spiderfy(): void
* Unspiderfies a cluster (opposite of spiderfy).
unspiderfy(): void
export interface MarkerClusterGroupOptions extends LayerOptions {
* The maximum radius that a cluster will cover from the central marker (in pixels). Default 80.
* Decreasing will make more, smaller clusters. You can also use a function that accepts
* the current map zoom and returns the maximum cluster radius in pixels
maxClusterRadius?: number | ((zoom: number) => number) | undefined
* Function used to create the cluster icon
iconCreateFunction?: ((cluster: MarkerCluster) => Icon | DivIcon) | undefined
* Map pane where the cluster icons will be added.
* Defaults to L.Marker's default (currently 'markerPane')
clusterPane?: string | undefined
* When you click a cluster at any zoom level we spiderfy it
* so you can see all of its markers.
spiderfyOnEveryZoom?: boolean | undefined
* When you click a cluster at the bottom zoom level we spiderfy it
* so you can see all of its markers.
spiderfyOnMaxZoom?: boolean | undefined
* When you mouse over a cluster it shows the bounds of its markers.
showCoverageOnHover?: boolean | undefined
* When you click a cluster we zoom to its bounds.
zoomToBoundsOnClick?: boolean | undefined
* If set to true, overrides the icon for all added markers to make them appear as a 1 size cluster.
singleMarkerMode?: boolean | undefined
* If set, at this zoom level and below markers will not be clustered. This defaults to disabled.
disableClusteringAtZoom?: number | undefined
* Clusters and markers too far from the viewport are removed from the map
* for performance.
removeOutsideVisibleBounds?: boolean | undefined
* Smoothly split / merge cluster children when zooming and spiderfying.
* If L.DomUtil.TRANSITION is false, this option has no effect (no animation is possible).
animate?: boolean | undefined
* If set to true (and animate option is also true) then adding individual markers to the
* MarkerClusterGroup after it has been added to the map will add the marker and animate it
* into the cluster. Defaults to false as this gives better performance when bulk adding markers.
* addLayers does not support this, only addLayer with individual Markers.
animateAddingMarkers?: boolean | undefined
* Custom function to calculate spiderfy shape positions
| ((count: number, centerPoint: Point) => Point[])
| undefined
* Increase from 1 to increase the distance away from the center that spiderfied markers are placed.
* Use if you are using big marker icons (Default: 1).
spiderfyDistanceMultiplier?: number | undefined
* Allows you to specify PolylineOptions to style spider legs.
* By default, they are { weight: 1.5, color: '#222', opacity: 0.5 }.
spiderLegPolylineOptions?: PolylineOptions | undefined
* Boolean to split the addLayers processing in to small intervals so that the page does not freeze.
chunkedLoading?: boolean | undefined
* Time delay (in ms) between consecutive periods of processing for addLayers. Default to 50ms.
chunkDelay?: number | undefined
* Time interval (in ms) during which addLayers works before pausing to let the rest of the page process.
* In particular, this prevents the page from freezing while adding a lot of markers. Defaults to 200ms.
chunkInterval?: number | undefined
* Callback function that is called at the end of each chunkInterval.
* Typically used to implement a progress indicator. Defaults to null.
| ((
processedMarkers: number,
totalMarkers: number,
elapsedTime: number
) => void)
| undefined
* Options to pass when creating the L.Polygon(points, options) to show the bounds of a cluster.
* Defaults to empty
polygonOptions?: PolylineOptions | undefined
type Props = PropsWithChildren<MarkerClusterGroupOptions>
export const LeafletMarkerClusterGroup = createPathComponent<
>(({ children: _c, ...props }, ctx) => {
const clusterProps: Record<string, any> = {}
const clusterEvents: Record<string, any> = {}
// Splitting props and events to different objects
Object.entries(props).forEach(([propName, prop]) =>
? (clusterEvents[propName] = prop)
: (clusterProps[propName] = prop)
// Creating markerClusterGroup Leaflet element
const markerClusterGroup = L.markerClusterGroup(
clusterProps as MarkerClusterGroupOptions
// Initializing event listeners
Object.entries(clusterEvents).forEach(([eventAsProp, callback]) => {
const clusterEvent = `cluster${eventAsProp.substring(2).toLowerCase()}`
markerClusterGroup.on(clusterEvent, callback)
return {
instance: markerClusterGroup,
context: { ...ctx, layerContainer: markerClusterGroup },
Used like this:
import { MapContainer, Marker } from 'react-leaflet'
{ => (
<Marker key={} position={marker.latlng} />
As commented by @kjoscha , Gatsby will not build the site with this component. Same error on my side:
delete leaflet_1.default.Icon.Default.prototype._getIconUrl;
iconRetinaUrl: require('./assets/marker-icon-2x.png').default,
iconUrl: require('./assets/marker-icon.png').default,
I import the library:
import MarkerClusterGroup from 'react-leaflet-cluster'
then use it:
and it works locally with
but if I do
vite build
I get the error after running the app:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED')