Open akuznetsova opened 10 months ago
@aye-kuma Resource contribution: 60cedc72602c97721e6dc567ccf6a212be73c123 +1 menu for python tools
Resource contribution: 293be787dabb48e5dc5a944472c12226b9e33a5c
+0.5 menu for link to thermal phase notes
@vambrown Resource contribution: d92befd2c3cf593e17879840dafb77012b052f41 +1 menu for SNR note links
@vambrown Resource contribution: 0329315048f26f0610e87313ba01135116c1e4cd +0.25 menu for link to UVA SPF course notes
@vambrown Resource contribution: c9c440f08633cbf1e5724f892f447237696c0ff9 +0.5 menu for BE sphere notes
@nirihs 675abf5338f616acdc262ac80a8b2484fb1c332a +0.5 menu for astrochemistry website upload (w8)
@vambrown 16de78847425293571bf52190ad91ca1d1eb39ac +1 menu for non-ideal plots (w7)
@aye-kuma 0a91c2e84c065ff1e37803e66029653498935555 +1 menu for comprehensive radmc3d troubleshooting notes (w11)
@OlggiWan 38f942091ebc605d2d7b2dd303d8b567f9a4f7dc +0.5 menu for disk zone diagram (w11)
Did you find a link to a useful set of online lecture notes that relate to the class material? Do you have an analogy, conceptual explanation, or example for a topic discussed in class or find an online resource that helped you better understand a concept? Do you have a question that you haven't been able to find an answer for (or an answer to one you see)? Any of these are fair game submissions to get credit as resource contributions (and are a great way to share resources with your colleagues).
You can add links/notes/questions/images directly to where they would be relevant in the week's recap or upload pdfs/images to the week's folder and link them in the Resources section of the week's recap with a short description. These can even be added to a folder from a prior week.
To be eligible for points, contributions should be committed with a commit message title "CONTRIBUTION - [NAME]" with a brief commit description that states the relevance of the contribution to the material.
Replying to this thread with the commit number will help me keep track of your contributions.