akuznetsova / spf-2024

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[Class recap] [w2] #5

Closed akuznetsova closed 7 months ago

akuznetsova commented 7 months ago

Instructions: Make a copy of the recap template file in the directory for week 2, replacing the [TEMPLATE] in the title with the date in Mon.-Day format (ex: Jan-31-recap.md). (You can also just go into Edit mode, copy the contents and paste them into a new markdown file you make in the corresponding directory). Remove all the template text and fill in with your recap. When you're ready, submit with the commit title: CLASS RECAP-[NAME] and comment below with a link to the file.

This week:

vambrown commented 7 months ago

Recap 2/5

commit e69c768042ff9a67fd327b4424407a3566c095fe

akuznetsova commented 7 months ago


reviewed: 1/1

akuznetsova commented 7 months ago

@MERH23 recap 2/7 commit 51c26578f6b3833fb1c9c0119c569f8f094c7c14

reviewed 1/1