Construct a three phase model for supernovae remnant expansion
Practice using metrics for turbulence generation
Assignment Instructions
This assignment is hosted as a Jupyter notebook, a copy of which is in this weeks folder.
To receive credit for this assignment, please commit your copy of the notebook (with all code executed and plots generated) to the course github in the week 3 submissions folder with the commit title of HOMEWORK 3 - [NAME] and leave a reply in the Assignment thread with a link to the submission.
HW 3 Objectives
Assignment Instructions
This assignment is hosted as a Jupyter notebook, a copy of which is in this weeks folder. To receive credit for this assignment, please commit your copy of the notebook (with all code executed and plots generated) to the course github in the week 3 submissions folder with the commit title of HOMEWORK 3 - [NAME] and leave a reply in the Assignment thread with a link to the submission.