akveo / kittenTricks

React Native starter kit with over 40 screens and modern Light and Dark theme for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications.
MIT License
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[Sticky] 🎉🎉Who uses Kitten Tricks / feedback? 🎉🎉 #243

Open artyorsh opened 4 years ago

artyorsh commented 4 years ago

Hi All!

We are really keen to collect your feedback, and to start with, we'd like to know who is using Kitten Tricks / UI Kitten. We would really appreciate if you:

Thanks to MobX for Questionnaire idea: mobxjs/mobx#681

UI Kitten discussion https://github.com/akveo/react-native-ui-kitten/issues/657

kockok commented 4 years ago

Will this demo app be updated to v4.4.0 and be written in functional components with react hooks?

artyorsh commented 4 years ago

@kockok yes, it's in progress

sudomann commented 4 years ago

I based my project off Kitten Tricks, and have gotten so comfortable with class based components. It was my very first React project so I might be lacking understanding of something; I'm curious why did you guys suddenly choose to switch to functional components and hooks?

artyorsh commented 4 years ago

@sudomann thanks for the interest. We try keeping this application trending and up-to-date. Functional components and hooks in today's state of React and React Native is something you should not avoid.

sudomann commented 4 years ago

Current technique for changing app theme seems to unmount the entire app?

Building with expo (like kitten tricks), expo simply restarts the app.

But without expo the app just disappears and leaves you on the phone's home screen.

sudomann commented 4 years ago

Actually, I've found that it's not caused by something new from the recent refactor of the app. I discovered the issue above after I switched system display theme to see the app switch theme but instead it suddenly disappeared.

Turns out this issue already existed with the previous Kitten Tricks release, I just never noticed it. Tested with a new simple app using ui-kitten and saw the same issue. It seems to affect Android only.

I suspect it's similar to what causes this as well: https://github.com/akveo/react-native-ui-kitten/issues/593

artyorsh commented 4 years ago

@sudomann I've got this fixed in #261 (your main component should also include AppearanceProvider if you're using react-native-appearance). Also, let's keep this issue clean and used for feedbacks. I'm going to delete this conversation soon.

Thanks for reporting!

chumanhquang commented 4 years ago

@artyorsh, Will kittenTricks have more screens or a pro version in the future?

artyorsh commented 4 years ago

@chumanhquang currently we're thinking about this and it's more likely that yes - it will. Thanks for the interest

chumanhquang commented 4 years ago

@artyorsh Thank you, I hope it will soon launch!

kuasha420 commented 4 years ago

This wonderful project is limited by expo. too many issues after ejecting from expo

artyorsh commented 4 years ago

@kuasha420 because you don't need to do this as it is already ejected and can be runnable in both react-native and expo environments.

kuasha420 commented 4 years ago

OH SHIT THEN DID THAT HAPPEN!! I retract my statement. As I said, It's an wonderful and very modern UI Kit for React Native. I thank you guys wholeheartedly for making it available.

mehmetor commented 3 years ago


Are you considering improving for @ui-kitten/components v5.0.0 compatibility?

heberuriegas commented 3 years ago

@artyorsh What is the best way to start the project and not have the other files interfering with yours? I would like to avoid deleting them 1 by 1. Probably delete a folder instead?