akveo / nebular

:boom: Customizable Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System :new_moon_with_face::sparkles:Dark Mode
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Sidebar menu items don't get unselected #259

Closed bobvann closed 6 years ago

bobvann commented 6 years ago

Issue type

I'm submitting a ... (check one with "x")

Issue description

When I click an item in the sidebar menu, other items do not get unselected. It was working until few days ago with rc3. Then I deleted node_modules directory and reinstalled packages and it started to misbehaving. Then I updated to rc5 and still bad behavior.

Current behavior: Click an item on the sidebar: it gets selected (class "active" on the "a"). Click an other item, it gets selected too but the first one is not unselected.

Expected behavior: Should remove active class from other items.

Steps to reproduce: (see Current Behavior)

Other information:

Angular CLI: 1.7.0
Node: 6.13.0
OS: linux x64
Angular: 5.2.5
... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
... http, language-service, platform-browser
... platform-browser-dynamic, router

@angular/cli: 1.7.0
@angular-devkit/build-optimizer: 0.3.1
@angular-devkit/core: 0.0.29
@angular-devkit/schematics: 0.3.1
@ngtools/json-schema: 1.2.0
@ngtools/webpack: 1.10.0
@schematics/angular: 0.3.1
@schematics/package-update: 0.3.1
typescript: 2.4.2
webpack: 3.11.0


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Same on all browsers tested
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    "@types/jasmine": "~2.5.53",
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    "codelyzer": "~3.0.1",
    "jasmine-core": "~2.6.2",
    "jasmine-spec-reporter": "~4.1.0",
    "karma": "~1.7.0",
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    "ts-node": "~3.0.4",
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    "typescript": "~2.4.2"

Same on all browsers tested

mishkolesnikov commented 6 years ago

Hi, @bobvann many thanks for reporting. Unfortunately, I can not reproduce the issue, could you please also share your menu items configuration?

bobvann commented 6 years ago

thanks for the support but unfortunately one month passed and I had to rewrite my own sidebar.

Anyway the menu came from an observable from a rest api following demo sidebar structure

nnixaa commented 6 years ago

Closing for now.