akveo / nebular

:boom: Customizable Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System :new_moon_with_face::sparkles:Dark Mode
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Error - No datepickerAdapter provided for picker. nebular nb-date-timepicker not working properly with default configuration #2603

Closed Tavethiya closed 9 months ago

Tavethiya commented 3 years ago

Issue type

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nebular nb-date-timepicker not working properly with default configuration:

Current behavior: nb-date-timepicker not open on textbox

Expected behavior: nb-date-timepicker should work fine same as nb-date-picker

Steps to reproduce: Check bellow link provided open console and click on textbox error will occur as No Adapter provided for picker I don't know how to resolve this error no doc provided on online documents

Related code:

A sample application

StackBlitz StackBlitz Seed Project

<input nbInput placeholder="Pick Date" [nbDatepicker]="dateTimePicker11">
         <nb-date-timepicker withSeconds  #dateTimePicker11>

Other information:

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node -v

npm -v  

Angular, Nebular

  "dependencies": {
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Faisal49m commented 3 years ago

Same thing here

georgetrad commented 3 years ago

@Tavethiya @Faisal49m

Did you try updating nebular? the datetime-picker wasn't available in nebular 6.0.0. I updated to 7.0.0 and everything is working fine.

Here's the release notes.