Open SkanderLassoued09 opened 2 years ago
I'm working on ngx-admin in ng2 smart table I added a custom button(buttonComponent) that open model I want to pass data where the button exist
settings = { actions: { add: false, }, add: { addButtonContent: '<i class="nb-plus"></i>', createButtonContent: '<i class="nb-checkmark"></i>', cancelButtonContent: '<i class="nb-close"></i>', }, edit: { editButtonContent: '<i class="nb-edit"></i>', saveButtonContent: '<i class="nb-checkmark"></i>', cancelButtonContent: '<i class="nb-close"></i>', confirmSave: true, }, delete: { deleteButtonContent: '<i class="nb-trash"></i>', confirmDelete: true, }, columns: { _id: { title: "ID", type: "number", }, nameUser: { title: "nameUser", type: "string", }, contactName: { title: "contactName", type: "string", }, phone: { title: "phone", type: "number", }, email: { title: "E-mail", type: "string", }, role: { title: "role", type: "string", editor: { type: "list", config: { selectText: "Select the Location to see options...", list: this.roles, }, }, }, city: { title: "city", type: "string", }, postCode: { title: "postCode", type: "string", }, registerAddress: { title: "registerAddress", type: "string", }, address: { title: "address", type: "string", }, bindedGroup: { title: "bindedGroup", type: "string", }, tid: { title: "tid", type: "string", }, bindedSn: { title: "bindedSn", type: "html", valuePrepareFunction: (cell, row) => { console.log(row.bindedSn); this.bnsn = row.bindedSn; return row.bindedSn; // console.log(row); }, }, bindedTime: { title: "bindedTime", type: "string", }, longitude: { title: "longitude", type: "string", }, latitude: { title: "latitude", type: "string", }, localisation: { title: "localisation", type: "string", }, openModal: { title: "openModal", type: "custom", renderComponent: NbListComponent, }, }, };
as shown at last column there is a button that open a modal , by clicking on the button I want to pass bindedSn data of it's row .
NB: tableComponent and modalComponent are not linked as parent and child
I'm working on ngx-admin in ng2 smart table I added a custom button(buttonComponent) that open model I want to pass data where the button exist
as shown at last column there is a button that open a modal , by clicking on the button I want to pass bindedSn data of it's row .
NB: tableComponent and modalComponent are not linked as parent and child