akveo / ng2-smart-table

Angular Smart Data Table component
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How to disable first row selection #502

Open kazzkiq opened 7 years ago

kazzkiq commented 7 years ago

By default, in all examples, it seems the first row always starts selected. How can I prevent that, making the selection occur only after an user clicked a row?

64n35h4 commented 7 years ago

Show your code, by default the code doesn't selects the first row..

kazzkiq commented 7 years ago

I'd say the opposite.

In all examples the first row starts selected (unless you use selectMode: 'multi'). The same behavior replicates to my project.

I couldn't find any clue in the documentation on how to start my grid without selections.

Here is my configuration code:

Show Code ```js { editable: false, noDataMessage: 'No data could be found here.', actions: { add: false, edit: false, delete: false }, columns: { titulo: { title: 'Name' } } } ```
Newan commented 7 years ago

i have the same.

kazzkiq commented 7 years ago

(Messy) Workaround:

  1. Find data-set.js in your node_modules/ng2-smart-table;
  2. Search for this.willSelect and override it with a 'none' string:
this.willSelect = 'none';

Explanation: willSelect is what defines if the table will start with first or last row selected. But sadly the option is not exposed to the settings object, which means you can't change its behavior unless you change it directly in the component code.

So as of today you have three options:

FunnyZ commented 6 years ago

I have the same needs.

yunier0525 commented 6 years ago

I was able to solve the problem of first click with this code made by me:

this.table.grid.dataSet['rows'][0].isSelected = false;
this.table.grid.dataSet['selectedRow'] = null;

And to auto select the first row and populate the 'selected' class to well style the row:

setTimeout(function () {
   $($(`ng2-smart-table tbody tr`).first()[0]).trigger('click');

The two code snippets together solve the problem that the self-selecting row does not have the selected class.

I hope this small contribution will help someone. Regards.

NicolaLC commented 5 years ago

Hi to all, I've fixed this bug by my own and I've maded a pull request, if you're interested in.

TheoCanonne commented 4 years ago

Hi ! As the pull request of @NicolaLC has not been accepted yet, I've managed to select only the row that the user clicked on.

I use the LocalDataSource to store my data and when it changes ( new data loaded or pagination events ), I set the selected row of the user.

Here is the code I've made :

ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.localDataSource.onChanged().subscribe(() => {
      if (this.dataSelected) {
          row => {
            if (row.getData() === this.dataSelected) {
              return this.test.grid.dataSet.selectRow(row);

Hope it will help ^^

yim222 commented 3 years ago

Solution: The userRowSelect event supposed to handle it. Worked and solved for me

<ng2-smart-table [settings]="tableSetting" [source]="tableSource" (userRowSelect)="onSelectRow($event)"></ng2-smart-table>

muysewinkel commented 3 years ago

Solution: The userRowSelect event supposed to handle it. Worked and solved for me

<ng2-smart-table [settings]="tableSetting" [source]="tableSource" (userRowSelect)="onSelectRow($event)"></ng2-smart-table>

This helps not triggering the initial select function. However, row one is still selected and thus will not trigger the userRowSelect function if the first row is clicked.

wqzyow commented 3 years ago


tuhu95 commented 3 years ago

Just add selectedRowIndex: -1 to your table settings like this tableSettings = { hideSubHeader: true, mode: 'external', selectedRowIndex: -1 };

Peeripapo commented 2 years ago

Humati's solution is perfect!

apappas1129 commented 2 years ago

Just add selectedRowIndex: -1 to your table settings like this tableSettings = { hideSubHeader: true, mode: 'external', selectedRowIndex: -1 };

Not working for me

I tried this.table.grid.dataSet.deselectAll(); (table is @ViewChild('smartTableComponent') table?: Ng2SmartTableComponent;), but it doesn't do anything.

I figured, for my use case, I do this:

// function deselectRows
this.table.grid.dataSet.deselectAll(); // Maybe this is still needed for component's state?
// class "selected" is not removed by function above, so let's remove it ourselves
const tr = document.querySelector('ng2-smart-table > table > tbody > tr.ng2-smart-row.selected');
tr && tr.classList.remove('selected');

And I had to do it after I load data in the source to make sure tr is already rendered.

void this.source.load(DATA).then(() => this.deselectRows());
CodingScott commented 9 months ago

Just add selectedRowIndex: -1 to your table settings like this tableSettings = { hideSubHeader: true, mode: 'external', selectedRowIndex: -1 };

Works perfectly, thanks! Weird it's not in the docs.