akveo / ngx-admin-bundle-support

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flask-starter bundle not working #12

Closed rbetancor closed 4 years ago

rbetancor commented 4 years ago

After buying the flask-starter bundle, been unable to launch the front-end part.

After npm install without issues, the normal warnings about audit, but when try to launch npm start, got lot of messages like this one:

67% building 1963/2055 modules 92 active ...nel/charts/charts-common.component.scssWARNING: Nebular Theme: nb-theme() cannot find value for key color-danger for theme default on line 59 of node_modules/@nebular/theme/styles/core/theming/_get-value.scss, in function nb-theme from line 10 of stdin, in mixin @content from line 116 of node_modules/@nebular/theme/styles/core/theming/_install.scss, in mixin @content from line 97 of node_modules/@nebular/theme/styles/core/theming/_install.scss, in mixin nb-install-component-with-scss-vars from line 115 of node_modules/@nebular/theme/styles/core/theming/_install.scss, in mixin nb-install-component from line 8 of stdin

That kind of block of messages get repeating and repeating for lot of the different values, like progress-bar-background, progress-bar-warning-background, color-fg-heading, separator ... for all the themes, default, corporate, etc.

It get stuck on the npm start for a very long time, before giving a final error and not staring the front-end.

May someone point me to the right direction to fix this?.

rbetancor commented 4 years ago

Solved the non-starting issue, doing:

npm cache clean --force rm -rf node_modules rm packages-lock.json

and giving more RAM to the VM I use for develop, seems that the newer versions of Node.JS eats more RAM than previous ones, I was getting a errno 137, that now have dissapear.

But the warkings about the "missing values for key" are still there, Any clue how to fix them?

valentinkononov commented 4 years ago

Hi @rbetancor thanks for the issue, warnings will be fixed in the nearest update of a bundle!