akveo / ngx-admin-bundle-support

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what is the "Bearer <token>" #59

Open hohnworld opened 4 years ago

hohnworld commented 4 years ago

INSTRUCTION.pdf API Documentation there is input 'api_key' at top right corner. Paste there token in format: 'Bearer ' and click 'Explore' i login get like this and i don't know what to do next,specialy 'Bearer ' { "token": { "expires_in": 3600000, "access_token": "aaa.bbb.ccc", "refresh_token": "ddd.eee.fff" } }

hohnworld commented 4 years ago

i use email adress and pass word logo ,got json like below and i don't know what is the api_key: { "token": { "expires_in": 3600000, "access_token": "aaa.bbb.ccc", "refresh_token": "ddd.eee.fff" } }

lijenyan commented 4 years ago

Just copy aaa.bbb.ccc, then click Swagger UI's 'Authorize' button (at top right corner). 'Available authorizations' window should popup Input 'Bearer aaa.bbb.ccc' (please note there is a space) Click 'Authorize' button in popup windows and 'Close' Then you should try other APIs.

Postman: Auth > Type > choose 'Bearer Token' input aaa.bbb.ccc at 'Token' column,don't add 'Bearer ' string then you should try 'Get' API