akveo / ngx-admin-bundle-support

Support repository for ngx-admin backend bundles with issues tracking, instructions and code samples
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It doesn't start #62

Closed Andrzej-Swietek closed 2 years ago

Andrzej-Swietek commented 4 years ago

I've been having this problem for a while even though I ve checked the angualr version, reinstalled it and pretty much done everything.

/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js run start --scripts-prepend-node-path=auto

ngx-admin-bundle@3.2.1 start /Users/user/Downloads/abb/flask-starter/frontend ng serve

0% compiling Compiling @swimlane/ngx-charts : module as esm5

chunk {main} main.js, main.js.map (main) 2.05 kB [initial] [rendered] chunk {polyfills} polyfills.js, polyfills.js.map (polyfills) 704 bytes [initial] [rendered] chunk {runtime} runtime.js, runtime.js.map (runtime) 6.15 kB [entry] [rendered] chunk {scripts} scripts.js, scripts.js.map (scripts) 1.36 MB [entry] [rendered] chunk {styles} styles.js, styles.js.map (styles) 4 MB [initial] [rendered] chunk {vendor} vendor.js, vendor.js.map (vendor) 339 kB [initial] [rendered] Date: 2020-03-25T15:03:01.753Z - Hash: c59213056868888a13ad - Time: 22850ms

ERROR in Failed to find exported name of node (PieGridSeriesComponent = /* @class / (function () { function PieGridSeriesComponent(element) { this.innerRadius = 70; this.outerRadius = 80; this.animations = true; this.select = new EventEmitter(); this.element = element.nativeElement; } PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) { this.update(); }; PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype.update = function () { this.layout = pie() .value(function (d) { return d.data.value; }).sort(null); this.arcs = this.getArcs(); }; PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype.getArcs = function () { var _this = this; return this.layout(this.data).map(function (arc$$1, index) { var label = arc$$1.data.data.name; var other = arc$$1.data.data.other; if (index === 0) { arc$$1.startAngle = 0; } var color = _this.colors(label); return { data: arc$$1.data.data, class: 'arc ' + 'arc' + index, fill: color, startAngle: other ? 0 : arc$$1.startAngle, endAngle: arc$$1.endAngle, animate: _this.animations && !other, pointerEvents: !other }; }); }; PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype.onClick = function (data) { this.select.emit({ name: this.data[0].data.name, value: this.data[0].data.value }); }; PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype.trackBy = function (index, item) { return item.data.name; }; PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype.label = function (arc$$1) { return arc$$1.data.name; }; PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype.color = function (arc$$1) { return this.colors(this.label(arc$$1)); }; var _a; decorate([ Input(), metadata("design:type", Object) ], PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype, "colors", void 0); decorate([ Input(), metadata("design:type", Object) ], PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype, "data", void 0); decorate([ Input(), metadata("design:type", Object) ], PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype, "innerRadius", void 0); decorate([ Input(), metadata("design:type", Object) ], PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype, "outerRadius", void 0); decorate([ Input(), metadata("design:type", Boolean) ], PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype, "animations", void 0); decorate([ Output(), metadata("design:type", Object) ], PieGridSeriesComponent.prototype, "select", void 0); PieGridSeriesComponent = decorate([ Component({ selector: 'g[ngx-charts-pie-grid-series]', template: "\n <svg:g class=\"pie-grid-arcs\">\n <svg:g ngx-charts-pie-arc *ngFor=\"let arc of arcs; trackBy:trackBy\"\n [attr.class]=\"arc.class\"\n [startAngle]=\"arc.startAngle\"\n [endAngle]=\"arc.endAngle\"\n [innerRadius]=\"innerRadius\"\n [outerRadius]=\"outerRadius\"\n [fill]=\"color(arc)\"\n [value]=\"arc.data.value\"\n [data]=\"arc.data\"\n [gradient]=\"false\"\n [pointerEvents]=\"arc.pointerEvents\"\n [animate]=\"arc.animate\"\n (select)=\"onClick($event)\">\n </svg:g>\n </svg:g>\n ", changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }), metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_a = typeof ElementRef !== "undefined" && ElementRef) === "function" ? _a : Object]) ], PieGridSeriesComponent); return PieGridSeriesComponent; }())) in '/Users/user/Downloads/abb/flask-starter/frontend/node_modules/@swimlane/ngx-charts/release/esm.js'.