akveo / ngx-admin-bundle-support

Support repository for ngx-admin backend bundles with issues tracking, instructions and code samples
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ngx-admin angular error when opening profile page -causing redirect to dashboard #89

Open adirel opened 3 years ago

adirel commented 3 years ago

Hello, Im using the bundle (without changes) and running --prod env Can't seems to open the profile page (but in dev env it's working) Error received in console: core.js:4197 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: l.Subject is not a constructor TypeError: l.Subject is not a constructor at new e (user.component.ts:37)

seems the problem is here? image

Thanks in advance.

ArtemRomanovsky commented 3 years ago

Hello @adirel I hope we found the issue! First, open src/app/@theme/styles/themes.scss and add $nb-enabled-themes: ('material-light', 'material-dark'); line after all imports. Then open src/app/pages/tables/smart-table/smart-table.component.scss file and remove

::ng-deep .example-smart-table { .form-control { color: nb-theme(form-control-color); } }

lines. That’s it, errors should be gone now.