akveo / ngx-admin

Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+
MIT License
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Color at ngx-admin (ng-star-inserted) #1986

Open ThalisGaeta opened 5 years ago

ThalisGaeta commented 5 years ago

I'm a new dev and I'm trying to change the color of those two areas. May any one assist me with that?

I learned that the class name for those are " ng-star-inserted " from the "BrowserAnimationsModule" (the source code is here

I used the corporate theme to create one on my on and changed all the color, but this one didn't change doesn't matter what I do!

img2 img1

yggg commented 5 years ago

Hi @ThalisGaeta! These elements use color-primary variable as their background. See traffic card styles. If you need to change primary color across the app, you can set color-primary to the color you need here. See theming guide for details. If you need to change colors for just two cards than you can add new theme variable to the theme map referenced above and modify components .scss files to use the new variable.