Open ribbonhood opened 1 year ago
Facing the same issue
Same here. I'm getting this warning
WARN Input: unsupported configuration.
Check one of the following prop values: {
"appearance": "default",
"variants": [
"states": []
📖 Documentation:
and I don't have any of these properties defined in any Input component of my project
I solved the warning. I had this:
status={error?.message && 'danger'}
and replaced that with this:
{...(error?.message && { status: 'danger' })}
and that worked.
Facing the exact same issue, while setting caption
and status
in a ternary.
caption={hasCaption ? caption : undefined}
status={hasStatus ? status : undefined}
Note: Not using expo, it's a React Native CLI project.
"@eva-design/eva": "2.2.0", "@ui-kitten/components": "5.1.2", "@ui-kitten/eva-icons": "5.1.2", "react": "18.2.0", "react-native": "0.71.7",
@R3DST0RM The fix for me was to replace undefined with 'basic'
caption={hasCaption ? caption : undefined}
status={hasStatus ? status : 'basic'}
Was facing the same, Fixed by adding a default value to status too, also having equivalent error for Button component
On button it was the size that needed me to enforce a default
@R3DST0RM The fix for me was to replace undefined with 'basic'
<Input {...props} caption={hasCaption ? caption : undefined} status={hasStatus ? status : 'basic'} />
Thanks helped, though, I think the typing of string | undefined
is then wrong for the status prop.
I have same waring. I think need allow pass null and undefined props
💬 Question
I'm getting the warnings below for different components after doing some expo updates from 45 to 47. Everything was working fine prior.
Versions I'm on that could possibly have an effect are
UI Kitten and Eva version