Open wderezin opened 1 year ago
Maybe try to clear cache: npx expo start --web -c
Maybe try to clear cache:
npx expo start --web -c
Just tried that, but no luck.
Did some more digging, and the root of the problem is the source files are not included in the @ui-kitten/components module.
Since they are warnings, I did find a way to suppress them. In webpack.config.js
add the following: This is also in the demo repo
const createExpoWebpackConfigAsync = require('@expo/webpack-config');
module.exports = async function (env, argv) {
const config = await createExpoWebpackConfigAsync(env, argv);
// Customize the config before returning it.
// Ignore source maps in node_modules
// Idea from:
// Issue:
if (!config.ignoreWarnings) {
config.ignoreWarnings = []
if (!config.module.rules) {
config.module.rules = [];
config.ignoreWarnings.push(/Failed to parse source map/)
test: /\.js$/,
enforce: "pre",
use: ["source-map-loader"],
return config;
🐛 Bug Report
When running UI-Kitten as an expo project, are getting 125 warning when doing web build. All are similar to the the following:
WARNING in ./node_modules/@eva-design/processor/js/src/service/style/index.js Module Warning (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js): Failed to parse source map from '/workspaces/expo-kitten-issue/BlankTS/node_modules/packages/processor/js/src/service/style/index.ts' file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/workspaces/expo-kitten-issue/BlankTS/node_modules/packages/processor/js/src/service/style/index.ts'
Note, these are warning and the application does build and run.
To Reproduce
Reproduce Steps
From referenced repo
Verify working for web
Install UI-Kitten Manual Steps\
Update app.json If you use Expo for Web, you need to add the following underneath the "web" key in app.json "build": { "babel": { "include": [ "@ui-kitten/components" ] } }
Start project and see error
Expected behavior
No warnings related to source map.
Link to runnable example or repository (highly encouraged)
UI Kitten and Eva version
├── @babel/core@7.21.8 ├── @eva-design/eva@2.2.0 ├── @expo/webpack-config@18.0.4 ├── @types/react@18.0.38 ├── @ui-kitten/components@5.3.1 ├── expo-status-bar@1.4.4 ├── expo@48.0.17 ├── react-dom@18.2.0 ├── react-native-svg@13.4.0 ├── react-native-web@0.18.12 ├── react-native@0.71.8 ├── react@18.2.0 └── typescript@4.9.5
Environment information