akvo / akvo-flow

A data collection and monitoring tool that works anywhere.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Make a map of countries where Akvo uses FLOW for UNICEF #341

Closed caetie closed 10 years ago

caetie commented 11 years ago

Akvo BLUE = FLOW national Ethiopia (ETH) Ghana (GHA) Liberia (LBR) Sierra Leone (SLE)

Akvo ORANGE = UNICEF national Benin (BEN) Central African Republic (CAF) Ivory Coast (CIV) Guinea-Conakry (Guinea; (GIN) Mali (MLI) Mauritania (MRT)

Akvo MINT = FLOW national level leads Burkina Faso (BFA) Mozambique (MOZ) Niger (NER) Rwanda (RWA) South Sudan (SDS) Swaziland (SWZ) Tanzania (TZA) Uganda (UGA) Zimbabwe (ZWE)

in a separate map because there are duplicates Akvo YELLOW = FLOW on a project level Burkina Faso (BFA) Burundi (BDI) Kenya (KEN) Malawi (MWI) Mozambique (MOZ) Nigeria (NGA) Rwanda (RWA) Tanzania TZA) Uganda (UGA)*

Akvo BLUE Hex: 72CDFF Akvo ORANGE: Hex: DE8929 Akvo MINT Hex: E1EDC3 Akvo YELLOW: Hex LBG

country codes are from attribute ADM0_A3 in countries feature in tilemill

at the request of @CharlotteSoed

caetie commented 11 years ago

Resulting draft maps made in tilemill:

akvo_unicef_all_v0 legend_all akvoflow-unicef-project_v0 legend_projects akvoflow_unicef_national_v0 legend_national