akvo / akvo-provisioning

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Akvo sites ssh access for Samuel Thomas (WP developer) #295

Closed Lynngre closed 8 years ago

Lynngre commented 8 years ago

ssh access to: sites.akvotest.org ssh access to: akvofoundation.org

https://github.com/samvthom16 https://github.com/samvthom16.keys

We're migrating washalliance.nl from old Akvo Sites to new Akvo Sites.

Washalliance have requested many changes to the new theme to accommodate what they had in the old theme. Additionally they have a timeline, etc installed which is seperate from the theme itself but resides on the server.

Samuel will be doing the changes/updates/migration needs that fall outside of what currently exists or is possible by Annabelle or myself.

As there's no continuous deployment Sam needs access via ssh to sites.akvotest.org (for testing). He will then push any changes made to the new Akvo Sites repo.

As Sam is not familiar with the old theme code, it would be good if he could access the server via ssh as we're still not sure everything resides in the old repo & he needs access to the timeline installation.

peeb commented 8 years ago

User samuel is already in puppet provisioning with the correct ssh key.

I'll verify if he can login to the relevant servers and if not, reprovision them.

peeb commented 8 years ago

User samuel should be able to login with ssh already. Please ask him to try and update this issue accordingly.

peeb commented 8 years ago

I will make sure he is able to access the /var/akvo/akvosites dir.

peeb commented 8 years ago

@Lynngre there is, however, no account for samuel on live2 (akvofoundation.org) so this will need to be reprovisioned. I will update when this is done.

Lynngre commented 8 years ago

Thanks @peeb will followup with @samvthom16

samvthom16 commented 8 years ago

@peeb Sorry for the confusion. Had to create a new private and public key.

Please find my new public key here: https://github.com/samvthom16.keys

peeb commented 8 years ago

OK thanks @samvthom16 - I'll reprovision both of those machines with the new ssh key.

peeb commented 8 years ago

sites.akvotest.org is provisioned with the new key

Lynngre commented 8 years ago

@peeb it seems @samvthom16 has no write permissions on sites.akvotest.org, we need him to be able to write files within /code.

peeb commented 8 years ago

@samvthom16 is now a member of group www-edit on sites.akvotest.org.

Lynngre commented 8 years ago

Thanks @peeb

Lynngre commented 8 years ago

@peeb @samvthom16 still has no write permissions even in group www-edit. He needs to be able to create/change/execute files on the test server. sites.akvotest.org

peeb commented 8 years ago

I can't give @samvthom16 him root permissions for obvious reasons, so I will need an itinerary of what directories need to be created and where.

Then I can give him read/write/execute permissions on those directories.

Lynngre commented 8 years ago

He needs to have 'sudo' access on everything under /var/akvo/akvosites/code

peeb commented 8 years ago