akvo / akvo-sites

Repository which will hold the Open Source code for the WP Theme, and also to track bugs and issues in the series of Consortia sites we maintain.
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Iframe plugin WASH-Liberia #174

Closed JosjeS closed 9 years ago

JosjeS commented 9 years ago

@eefsparreboom Would it be possible to install an Iframe plug-in (http://web-profile.com.ua/wordpress/plugins/iframe/) for the WASH Liberia website? Thank you! Josje

lauraroverts commented 9 years ago

Extra info: In order to embed a map like http://cdb.io/1qYo1Ia. Embedcode: < iframe width='100%' height='520' frameborder='0' src='http://josje.cartodb.com/viz/772a875a-1e3c-11e4-954b-0edbca4b5057/embed_map' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen>

eefsparreboom commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

We allready have a plugin in the system for this. I have created a draft page called "iframe map" that shows you how to use it :)

JosjeS commented 9 years ago

It worked, thanks!