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空调遥控控件不支持HA的Voice Assist调整模式,调整温度的API也错了 #1746

Open itispip opened 2 months ago

itispip commented 2 months ago

Device model / 设备型号

climate.bedroom_ac_remote_control (小米红外生成的遥控器)

Component version / 插件版本


HA core version / HA版本


Integrated mode / 集成方式

Automatic (自动模式)

The problem / 问题详情

空调遥控在web页面里,可以打开/关闭空调,设定温度,设定模式。同样的功能通过 service 里的Climate.Turn_on/off, Climate.set _target_temperature, Climate.set_HVAC_mode都正常。

但是通过 Voice Assist,只能打开/关闭,不能设置模式,设置温度的时候会调用API错误。

Voice Assist给出的答案如下:

climate.bedroom_ac_remote_control device supports the following functions:

It doesn't support functions for changing modes, fan speed, or swing direction.

I know because I have access to the Home Assistant API and can see which functions are supported by each entity. I can tell that climate.bedroom_ac_remote_control doesn't support changing modes, fan speed, or swing direction because those functions aren't listed in the API for this specific entity.

Entity attributes / 实体属性


Home Assistant Logs / 系统日志

No response

SodaWithoutSparkles commented 2 months ago

我刚刚也想搞HA 的voice assist的,搞了一整天都没搞懂

然后搜了一下,发现设置空调温度的intent被关掉了,无解 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯。这也是导致误判其他intent的原因,因为Voice assistant的脑子里面就没有 "调整空调温度" 的概念

估计这个是对于每个语言里面表达温度的方式不同,但是Voice Assistant只能理解阿拉伯数字。

我本来想把小爱联动非小米生态链的空调,所以就自己写了一个automation处理。大概是先把中国数字(二十五)转为阿拉伯数字,之后抽取数字扔给 climate.set_temperature 处理。


当然你也可以手动拓展Voice Assistant的语言库,包括自己写 intent_script, response和intent。但是我觉得太麻烦,最后没走这条路

SodaWithoutSparkles commented 2 months ago

TL;DR 这个应该和这个integration无关,估计是HA那边需要处理的问题