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Pop!_OS drivers not executing under Ubuntu install [GPD Win Max] #2

Closed flubberglubber closed 1 year ago

flubberglubber commented 3 years ago

New to linux, so forgive me for this spotty info, As far as I understand it, popos doesn't use the same apps that ubuntu does with regards to edid files, or grub. I believe kernelstub has something to do with it, but in any event I've been unable to get the touchscreen working correctly using your script. I have tried after upgrading from the ubuntu mate 20.04 image with all the win max drivers. I have tried prior using the same ideas as your script, just not automated in a fresh install of popos, with no resolution to the issues. Currently with my upgraded system from mate, I have the screen resolution working properly, as the rest of the drivers, save for the touchscreen input calibration. I can find the info using xinput in terminal and it lists my touchscreen as id=14 with the driver as "/dev/input/event6" but from I've understanding is that if I were somehow able to configure event6, it would not be the solution I was looking for. With popos being as new as it is, getting info about it isn't pulling up much so I was hoping you'd be able to shed some light on the situation.

al12gamer commented 1 year ago

Have you tried it on 22.04?

al12gamer commented 1 year ago

With recent releases, is this working for you again?

flubberglubber commented 1 year ago

I have sold that device off some time back, and have no means to verify.