alRex-U / ParCool

A Minecraft Forge Mod for action of Cool Parkour
GNU General Public License v3.0
42 stars 30 forks source link

[enhancement] Footwork api + cloak and dagger + War Dance compatibility #168

Open Darkmega18 opened 1 year ago

Darkmega18 commented 1 year ago

Cloak and dagger is a stealth mod that adds stealth multipliers to various movements and has line of sight+sound detection for mobs. it'd be interesting if you could hook into footwork and maybe add some mechanics into cloak and dagger to make them compatible.

Stuff like hanging on ledges making you less visible. Fast sprinting being a lot more visible, proning (and to a less degree, sliding) being more quiet than sneaking, perhaps canceling of fall sound event if you break fall from a landing to make less sound.

Further, there is also war dance, another of the mods that are made from Footwork. This has skills and other combat mechanical changes and overhauls which I thought would be interesting if parkour moves could be used stylishly in combat also.

Stuff like: I-frames or projectile immunity when dodging, flipping or in a wall running/sliding state. (war dance has it's own slide that you can take hints from) Custom passive skill to be able to slide into enemies to damage or knock them back for posture damage. passive to allow being in a catleap state to automatically backflip off of mobs (self knockback, but you can apply a flip animation also) and "bind" their hands (stop their attacks) if you catleap into them. Improving combat rank (devil may cry combo counter system) or preserving rank when using parcool skills in fights periodically.

Here is footwork api's source and also war dance's on github if you find this interesting at all. it'd be an amazing cross over. You could also go to the war dance discord to ask about more stuff related to it. :)

(also, I remembered to use the blank issue this time. :) )

alRex-U commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank-you for your suggestion (and using blank issue hahaha)

I didn't know about Footwork API. I cannot make time to do heavy development task (actually I have another non-personal project imposed me to complete by myself) and have to gather more information about the mod so I cannot start it soon but Indeed it sounds good.

However as for combat parkour moves, maybe now I am not willing to do. I am thinking this mod is almost purely for parkour, not like Mirrors Edge. If I made more combat features, it would be an addon for ParCool.

Darkmega18 commented 1 year ago

100% I'd love to see such an addon then when and if you do get time. Thanks for considering.