alRex-U / ParCool

A Minecraft Forge Mod for action of Cool Parkour
GNU General Public License v3.0
41 stars 30 forks source link

SUGGESTION: Quality of Life changes for the vault. #255

Open xelotex opened 1 month ago

xelotex commented 1 month ago

Man, i love this mod, but the vault... idk, its like i feel that it can be improved? And it works kinda weird as i want to show in this video:

Sometimes it just doesn't work because you have to be at a certain distance between obstacles for it to work, is it intended to work this way? I don't like it, because its becomes something of a 1 use only and then you get stomped with the first obstacle you have in front because you don't have enough distance for the vault to work again. It gets very bad on steep terrains. I wish it worked more like those "step height" mods, where it continuously allows you to climb 1 block height nonstop.

Other thing that i don't like about the vault is that it automatically moves you forwards like 3 blocks when you use it, even when you stopped pressing the Move Forwards button. I know its a vault and its what it's meant to do, but i would like it more if the player had control over it: like if you stopped pressing the forwards button, the vault animation continuous but it'll stop moving you forwards, unless you keep holding the forwards button. This would make vaulting over a 1x1 block platform without falling actually possible.

This is basically how vaulting works is Dying Light 1. Maybe you should try the game or watch it if you haven't already played it to get a better idea of what i'm saying. Movement control in that game is amazing.

alRex-U commented 1 month ago


The reason why players cannot get over sequently obstacles having only too small space between them, is Vault action cannot cancel Vault itself. It is a bit troublesome to modify this behavior because of the structure of this mod's action synchronization system. One of the solutions is shortening the duration of Vault action, but this may cause other problems.

And as for second suggestion, this is actually possible but if I did this, current animations would maybe look a bit strange because it might be too slow for Kong vault and speed vault animation. Relatively slow vault, such as Lazy vault can look good but adding new action take some costs and troublesome.

For these reasons I cannot do this soon sorry

xelotex commented 1 month ago

Oh i see. Yeah, animation cancelling is essential for the player to have that sense of control in the movement. There's nothing worse than having to wait for the whole animation to finish so you can start doing something else. Specially in fast moving game play styles.

No hurries, take your time man. Your mod works great 90% of time, this is not a great inconvenience.