Open wqy399 opened 4 years ago
There is an invalid character in your dataset, but it's not in the vcf part you include in your post. I can look into your vcf file to point out what's wrong. Also, you do not need to separate the chromosomes. RAiSD will detect that and separate them internally.
Thanks for your reply! I think I have solved this problem and I guess the issue was I modified the items in columns of "CHROM" and "ID" in vcf file, for example from "HiC_scaffold_1" to "1" with "awk" command. When I used the initial version, RAiSD ran normally.
Hello! When I ran RAiSD with the following command line: raisd-master/RAiSD -n my -I /data/select/pop/test1.vcf ,I got this error: ERROR: Invalid character (2) found! It seemed that something was wrong with my vcf file. It contains 1 chromosome. Actually I generatede the vcf file for 9 individuals with GATK4, then separated them to different chromosomes. Here is a part of my vcf : 1 1964 HiC_scaffold_1_1964 A G 246.57 . AC=5;AF=0.500;AN=10;BaseQRankSum=0.842;DP=27;ExcessHet=3.5218;FS=6.761;MLEAC=7;MLEAF=0.7 00;MQ=25.68;MQRankSum=0.00;QD=10.27;ReadPosRankSum=0.00;SOR=2.252 GT:AD:DP :GQ:PL 0/1:3,4:7:54:100,0,54 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0
./.:1,0:1:.:0,0,0 0/0:1,0:1:3:0,3,30 1/1:0,3:3:9:89,9,0 ./.:0,0: 0:.:0,0,0 0/1:4,2:6:33:33,0,83 0/1:6,2:8:27:27,0,150 Could you please tell me what was wrong ? Thanks a lot!