Hi, I have used RAiSD in the past, but now I am facing issues when trying to compile it in my new computer. I followed the tips with gel, and I have it now (version 2.7.1), installed locally and right path assigned. However I am still facing the following error:
Hi, I have used RAiSD in the past, but now I am facing issues when trying to compile it in my new computer. I followed the tips with gel, and I have it now (version 2.7.1), installed locally and right path assigned. However I am still facing the following error:
Compiling: sources/RAiSD_Support.c -> build/release/RAiSD_Support.o sources/RAiSD_Support.c:45:29: error: invalid output constraint '=a' in asm asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d)); ^
Any tips on how to solve it? Thank you