alacritty / alacritty

A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
Apache License 2.0
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alacritty msg config "import=['/path/to/alacritty/toml']" does nothing #7973

Closed FelixBrakel closed 2 weeks ago

FelixBrakel commented 2 weeks ago

Setting an import path to switch alacritty theme at runtime using alacritty msg does not seem to import said file.


OS: Linux Version: alacritty 0.13.2 (bb8ea18e) Linux: Wayland, Hyprland, Arch


  1. add any config file (for example a theme) to the alacritty config folder ~/.config/alacritty
  2. alacritty msg config "import=['~/.config/alacritty/additional_config.toml']"
  3. Observe nothing changes
chrisduerr commented 2 weeks ago

Why do you want to do this?

FelixBrakel commented 2 weeks ago

So I can set a different theme per ssh host.

I need to work on a number of different servers and having the terminals be visually distinct from one another helps me to not mix them up all the time.

kchibisov commented 2 weeks ago

You can just do alacritty msg config "$(cat gruvbox_light.toml)" for that. The theme I've used is from, but it should work with any, really.

FelixBrakel commented 2 weeks ago

Wow that works great! Thanks for the tip!