alaingilbert / Turntable-API

Allows you to create bots for
MIT License
317 stars 97 forks source link

Bot Admin #231

Closed ghost closed 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

How can I make my bot know that I am his admin/master.

Izzmo commented 11 years ago

Program your userid into him or make it so you have to enter some password before you can use him.

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Sent: ‎6/‎30/‎2013 6:58 PM To: alaingilbert/ Subject: [Turntable-API] Bot Admin (#231)

How can I make my bot know that I am his admin/master.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

ghost commented 11 years ago

how can I program my userid into him.

Izzmo commented 11 years ago

Well, get your userid from and then simply program in to not let anyone use certain commands for your bot unless it's that userid. A simple if conditional would suffice.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Can you show me a coding example to show me what it should look like.

Izzmo commented 11 years ago
bot.on('speak', function(e) {
  if(e.userid == 'asd98asd9898d98asd98a' && e.text == '/mycommand') {
    // do something
ghost commented 11 years ago

I tested out the code and it didn't work. bot didn't recognize me as his master.

gizmotronic commented 11 years ago

You replaced "asd98...8a" with your own userid. Right?

Izzmo commented 11 years ago

Post your code in here and it will be easier to diagnose the problem @Turntablelover.

ghost commented 11 years ago


var Bot    = require('ttapi');
var AUTH   = 'NfSvsfbbCgUuResNdewSYrIj';
var USERID = '510b0749eb35c135fbe7370c';
var ROOMID = '5022ead3df5bcf6a6a0079c0';
var BOTNAME = 'VeggieBot';

var netwatchdogTimer = null; // Used to detect internet connection dropping out
var startTime =; // Holds start time of the bot
var reLogins = 0; // The number of times the bot has re-logged on due to internet/ outage.
var botDownDATEtime = ""; // The time/date the bot went down.
var botDownUTCtime = 0; // Used to save the UTC time the bot went down.
var botDowntime = 0; // Used to save the duration of time the bot was down for last.

var bot = new Bot(AUTH, USERID, ROOMID);
var songLengthLimit = 10.0;
var songLimitTimer = null;
var lastdj = null;
var checkLast = null;

// Define default value for global variable 'isOn'
var isOn = true;

bot.on('speak', function (data) {
  var name =;
  var text = data.text;

  //If the bot is ON
  if (isOn) {
    if (text.match(/^\/status$/)) {
      bot.speak('The bot is currently turned on.');

    if (text.match(/^\/off$/)) {
      bot.speak('The bot is turned off.');
      // Set the status to off

    // ADD other functions here for when the bot is turned on. Like, for example:
    // Respond to "/hello" command
    if (text.match(/^\/hello$/)) {
      bot.speak('Hey! How are you @'+name+' ?');

  //If the bot is OFF
  if (!isOn) {
    if (text.match(/^\/status$/)) {
      bot.speak('The bot is currently turned off.');

    if (text.match(/^\/on$/)) {
      bot.speak('The bot is turned now on.');
      // Set the status to on

    // ADD other functions here for when the bot is turned off.

//DJing Functions
bot.on('speak', function (data) {
  var text = data.text;
  if (text.match(/^\/go$/)) {
    // Bot gets on the DJ table (if there's a spot open) on /go command
  if (text.match(/^\/please stop$/)) {
    // Bot jumps off the table on /please stop command
  if (text.match(/^\/skip$/)) {
    // Bot skips it's own song (if bot is the current DJ) on /skip command
  if (text.match(/^\/addsong$/)) {
    // Bot adds song to the bottom of it's DJ queue on /addsong command
    bot.playlistAll(function (data) {

bot.on('newsong', function (data) {

//Snag Song When it's not in his playlist
var snagIfNotInPlaylist = function() {
  bot.playlistAll(function(data) {
    var found = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++) {
      if (data.list[i]._id == bot.currentSongId) {
        found = true;
    if (!found) {

//Ban TT Stats Bots from the room
bot.on('registered', function(data) {
  for (var i = 0; i < data.user.length; ++i) {
    var user = data.user[i];
    if ( {
      bot.bootUser(user.userid, 'Beat it, bot!');
      console.log("[ BANNED ] : " + + " " + user.userid);

//Phrase Database
bot.on('speak', function (data)
    if (data.text.match(/VeggieBot/i))
        switch (Math.round(Math.random() * 55))
        case 0:
            bot.speak('Exterminate, Exterminate');
        case 1:
            bot.speak('This room is so cold');
        case 2:
            bot.speak('Always eat your vegetables');
        case 3:
            bot.speak('Oh, where is my hairbrush');
        case 4:
            bot.speak('You would make a good dalek');
        case 5:
            bot.speak('HELP! KR traded my cat for a new battery pack');
        case 6:
            bot.speak('Duty, honour, and good sauce');
        case 7:
            bot.speak('YOU... SHALL... NOT... PASS');
        case 8:
            bot.speak('Chase Mccain? YOUR A LEGEND!');
        case 9:
            bot.speak('I find your lack of faith disturbing');
        case 10:
            bot.speak('Go Green Ranger Go');
        case 11:
            bot.speak('You were that Flobbit? That Flobbit who bought everything mail order?');
        case 12:
            bot.speak('[evil face] We aint had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days [brightening up] Id love a cookie.');
        case 13:
            bot.speak('HELP! my cat is stuck in a tree!');
        case 14:
            bot.speak('God is bigger than the boogieman');
        case 15:
            bot.speak('Even though he is my bot brother, KR is a lying liar');
        case 16:
            bot.speak('I love this room');
        case 17:
        case 18:
            bot.speak('I hope you like water with your lunches!');
        case 19:
            bot.speak('Boot! You transistorized tormentor! Boot!');
        case 20:
            bot.speak('The monster is headed towards the Bumblyburg water tower. He is carrying a small asparagus. Alfred! We must find a way to stop this beast!');
        case 21:
            bot.speak('Hmm. Sorta looks like candy!');
        case 22:
            bot.speak('Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?');
        case 23:
            bot.speak('We will see who defeats who. Now we fight.');
        case 24:
        case 25:
        case 26:
        case 27:
            bot.speak('Silly humans, moderator powers are for robots');
        case 28:
            bot.speak(' I wanted to play Mousetrap. You roll your dice, you move your mice. Nobody gets hurt.');
        case 29:
            bot.speak('Christmas is when you get stuff! You need more toys!');
        case 30:
            bot.speak('Sporks. They are his utensils. And they do his bidding.');
        case 31:
            bot.speak('I laughed, I cried, it moved me Bob.');
        case 32:
            bot.speak('I am a talking weed, you are a talking carrot. Your point was?');
        case 33:
            bot.speak('So I repaired the chaffing dish and sent the chef out to get another jar of pickled herring! And the dinner party was saved');
        case 34:
            bot.speak('Never wound what you can not kill.');
        case 35:
            bot.speak('You break it you buy it!!');
        case 36:
            bot.speak('Heroes? There is no such thing.');
        case 37:
            bot.speak('So much better than Iron Patriot!');
        case 38:
            bot.speak('So you, you breathe fire?');
        case 39:
            bot.speak('Avengers Assemble');
        case 40:
            bot.speak(' has been rated as R, Robots Approved.');
        case 41:
            bot.speak('Do not shoot! Seriously, I do not even like working here. They are so weird!');
        case 42:
            bot.speak('I am sorry, I am not that kind of doctor. It is not my department.');
        case 43:
            bot.speak('The early bird gets the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.');
        case 44:
            bot.speak('Oh my god... that was really violent.');
        case 45:
            bot.speak('Jarvis! Jarvis? Do not leave me, buddy...');
        case 46:
            bot.speak('What? I am a rumor weed! I never make anything up! I heard it from two very reliable sources! RIGHT, KIDS?');
        case 47:
            bot.speak('Aah! It is another space alien!');
        case 48:
            bot.speak('Drop the asparagus!');
        case 49:
            bot.speak('Why did you not tell me that before I jumped on his head?');
        case 50:
            bot.speak('My plate! My Art Begotti limited edition collectors plate! What happened to it?');
        case 51:
            bot.speak('I really like your music. It is just that you play the same music everytime that I am here, so it feels like your not trying anymore.');
        case 52:
            bot.speak('Go directly to jail. Do Not pass Go and do not collect your $200 dollars.');
        case 53:
            bot.speak('This song needs more rock in it.');
        case 54:
            bot.speak('Do not misuse your moderator powers or bad things will happen to you.');
        case 55:
            bot.speak('I am legend.');


//Users List
var theUsersList = { };

bot.on('roomChanged', function (data) {
  // Reset the users list
  theUsersList = { };

  var users = data.users;
  for (var i=0; i<users.length; i++) {
    var user = users[i];
    theUsersList[user.userid] = user;

bot.on('registered', function (data) {
  var user = data.user[0];
  theUsersList[user.userid] = user;

bot.on('deregistered', function (data) {
  var user = data.user[0];
  delete theUsersList[user.userid];

//Private Messaging Database
bot.on('pmmed', function (data)
    var text = data.text; //text detected in the bots pm

    if (text.match(/^\/hello$/))
        //data.senderid is the person who pmmed the bot, so it plugs their id into the getProfile function
        //and says their name in the chatbox
        bot.getProfile(data.senderid, function(data2)
            bot.speak('Hey! How are you @' + + ' ?');
        });'hello', data.senderid); //send this text back to the sender...        

bot.on('pmmed', function (data)
    var text = data.text; //text detected in the bots pm

    if (text.match(/^\/God$/))
        //data.senderid is the person who pmmed the bot, so it plugs their id into the getProfile function
        //and says their name in the chatbox
        bot.getProfile(data.senderid, function(data2)
            bot.speak('God is awesome @' +;
        });'God is awesome', data.senderid); //send this text back to the sender...        

bot.on('pmmed', function (data)
    var text = data.text; //text detected in the bots pm

    if (text.match(/^\/goodbye$/))
        //data.senderid is the person who pmmed the bot, so it plugs their id into the getProfile function
        //and says their name in the chatbox
        bot.getProfile(data.senderid, function(data2)
            bot.speak('Goodbye @' +;
        });'Goodbye', data.senderid); //send this text back to the sender...        

bot.on('pmmed', function (data)
    var text = data.text; //text detected in the bots pm

    if (text.match(/^\/chilly$/))
        //data.senderid is the person who pmmed the bot, so it plugs their id into the getProfile function
        //and says their name in the chatbox
        bot.getProfile(data.senderid, function(data2)
        bot.speak('You just got chilled @' +;
        });'You just got chilled', data.senderid); //send this text back to the sender...        

bot.on('pmmed', function (data)
    var text = data.text; //text detected in the bots pm

    if (text.match(/^\/moon$/))
        //data.senderid is the person who pmmed the bot, so it plugs their id into the getProfile function
        //and says their name in the chatbox
        bot.getProfile(data.senderid, function(data2)
        bot.speak('You are going to the moon! @' +;
        });'You are going to the moon!', data.senderid); //send this text back to the sender...        

var blackList = ['xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'];

bot.on('registered', function (data) {
   var user = data.user[0];
   for (var i=0; i<blackList.length; i++) {
      if (user.userid == blackList[i]) {
         bot.bootUser(user.userid, 'You are on the blacklist.');

// Bot receives a private message...
bot.on('pmmed', function (data) {
   var text = data.text;
   var rgx  = /^\/ban (.*)$/g;

   if (text.match(rgx)) {
      var tmp    = rgx.exec(text);
      var name   = tmp[1];
      var userid = theUsersList[name];
      bot.boot(userid, 'You have been blacklisted.');

bot.on('speak', function (data) {});
var   data;
var  data;
var welcomeDaily =  ["No Theme @{u}!",  // Sunday
    "Worship Monday @{u}!",  // Monday
 "Twofer Tuesday@{u}!",  // Tuesday
 "No Theme @{u}!",  // Wednesday
 "Rock and Metal Day @{u}!",  // Thursday
 "Follow-Up Friday @{u}!",  // Friday
 "No Theme @{u}!"];  //Saturday

setTimeout(function() {
if (["welcomeMsg"] !== undefined && ["welcomeMsg"].value === "true") {
    if ([data.user[0].userid] !== undefined) {
    var d = new Date();
    var dayOfWeek = d.getDay();
    bot.speak(welcomeDaily[dayOfWeek], [data.user[0].userid].name, "pm", data.user[0].userid);
        }, 2500);

//Auto-Escort DJ When Song Gets Lamed
bot.on('update_votes', function(d) {
if ( >= 1) {

//Stalking Functions
// This will fire after the bot has connected to TT.FM
bot.on('ready', function () {
  bot.stalk("51437308aaa5cd0aff8b727d", function (data) {
      console.log("Found user in room: " + data.roomId);
      console.log("User not found, may be offline");

//Vote Skipping
var voteCount = [];

bot.on('speak', function(data) { 
  var text = data.text.trim();
  // .trim() removes any whitespace around your data.text

  if(text.match(/^\/skip/i)) {
    // ^ means regex must match start of string, not anywhere in the string
    // \/ is the backslash escaped
    // skip is your command
    // i at the end makes it case insensitive
    if(voteCount.indexOf(data.userid) < 0) {
      // if something is not in your array, it will return -1, thus the test for less than 0
      // you need to figure out what "something" should be

      // and here you need to add your user's ID that just typed the command to the array

      if(voteCount.length >= 1) {
      bot.speak('I am sorry but your song had to be skipped!');

    if (bot.currentDjId)

bot.on('newsong', function (data) { 
  voteCount.length = 0;



//Bop Count
var bopcount;
var botuserid = "510b0749eb35c135fbe7370c";
bopcount = 0;

bot.on('speak', function (data) {
  var text = data.text;

  // Any command with "bop" in it will work (ex: "bop","bop i beg you!!!","lolbopbaby", etc.)
  if (text.match(/bop/)) {
    bopcount += 1;

  // And when the bopcount reaches two...
  if (bopcount == 2 && (data.userid != botuserid)) {'up');
    bot.speak('This song is so epic!');

// Reset bopcount per new song
bot.on('newsong', function (data) {
  bopcount = 0;

//Playlist Randomizer
bot.on('ready', function (data) {
bot.playlistAll(function(playlist) {
  console.log("Playlist length: " + playlist.list.length);
  var i = 0;
  var reorder = setInterval(function() {
    if (i <= playlist.list.length) {
      var nextId = Math.ceil(Math.random() * playlist.list.length);
      bot.playlistReorder(i, nextId);
      console.log("Song " + i + " changed.");
    } else {
      console.log("Reorder Ended");
      bot.speak("Reorder completed.");
  }, 1000);

//Song Length Limit
global.checkOnNewSong = function (data)
    var length =;
       if ((length / 60) >= songLengthLimit)
        if (lastdj == USERID || masterIndex == -1) //if dj is the bot or not a master
            if (LIMIT === true)
                bot.speak("@" + theUsersList[checkLast + 1] + ", your song is over " + songLengthLimit + " mins long, you have 20 seconds to skip before being removed.");
                //START THE 20 SEC TIMER
                songLimitTimer = setTimeout(function ()
                    songLimitTimer = null;
                    bot.remDj(lastdj); // Remove Saved DJ from last newsong call
                }, 20 * 1000); // Current DJ has 20 seconds to skip before they are removed

bot.on('speak', function(data) {
  var text = data.text; //the chatbox on turntable
  if (text.match(/^\/userid/)) {
    var ban8 = data.text.slice(9); //this holds the persons name
    var checkUser8 = bot.getUserId(ban8, function(data1) {
      var userid56 = data1.userid; //the person's userid
      if (typeof userid56 !== 'undefined') { //if successful callback then say userid
      } else {
        bot.speak('error, please enter a valid name'); //else, name was invalid
  } else if (text.match(/^\/username/)) {
    var ban50 = data.text.slice(10); //holds persons userid
    var tmp94 = bot.getProfile(ban50, function(data2) {
      bot.speak(; //if sucessful callback, say persons name

//Stuck Song Detection and Correction
var curSongWatchdog = null;
var takedownTimer = null;
var lastdj = null;

bot.on('newsong', function (data){ 
  var length =;

  // If watch dog has been previously set, 
  // clear since we've made it to the next song
  if(curSongWatchdog !== null) {
    curSongWatchdog = null;

  // If takedown Timer has been set, 
  // clear since we've made it to the next song
  if(takedownTimer !== null) {
    takedownTimer = null;
    bot.speak("@"+theUsersList[lastdj].name+", Thanks buddy ;-)");[lastdj].name+" "+lastdj+" SONG WAS STUCK and they SKIPPED :-) ");

  // Set this after processing things from previously set watchdog timer
  lastdj =;

  // Set a new watchdog timer for the current song.
  curSongWatchdog = setTimeout( function() {
    curSongWatchdog = null;
    bot.speak("@"+theUsersList[lastdj].name+", you have 10 seconds to skip your stuck song before you are removed");
    takedownTimer = setTimeout( function() {
      takedownTimer = null;
      bot.remDj(lastdj); // Remove Saved DJ from last newsong call[lastdj].name+" "+lastdj+" SONG WAS STUCK and they got REMOVED :-(");
    }, 10 * 1000); // Current DJ has 10 seconds to skip before they are removed
  }, (length + 10) * 1000); // Timer expires 10 seconds after the end of the song, if not cleared by a newsong  


//AFK Check
var lastSeen = {}
  , djs      = [];

bot.on('roomChanged', function (data) {
   djs =;
bot.on('add_dj', function (data) {
bot.on('rem_dj', function (data) {
   djs.splice(djs.indexOf(data.user[0].userid), 1);

var justSaw;

justSaw = function (uid) {
   return lastSeen[uid] =;

bot.on('speak', function (data) {
   //your other code

var isAfk;

isAfk = function (userId, num) {
   var last = lastSeen[userId];
   var age_ms = - last;
   var age_m = Math.floor(age_ms / 1000 / 60);
   if (age_m >= num) {
      return true;
   return false;

var afkCheck;
var i;
var dj;

afkCheck = function () {
   var afkLimit = 10; //An Afk Limit of 10 minutes.
   for (i = 0; i < djs.length; i++) {
      dj = djs[i]; //Pick a DJ
      if (isAfk(dj, afkLimit)) { //if Dj is afk then
         bot.remDj(dj); //remove them
setInterval(afkCheck, 5000); //This repeats the check every five seconds.

//Urban Dictionary Command
var Log;
var http;

bot.on('speak', function(data) {

// Respond to "/define" command (uses
  if(data.text.match(/^\/define/i)) {
    var queryResponse = '';
    var sSplit = data.text.split("/define");
    var searchTerms = sSplit.pop().replace(/\s/g, "%20").replace("%20", "").trim();
    Log("SEARCH: " + searchTerms);
    // Build the API call object
    var options = {
      host: '',
      port: 80,
      path: '/v0/define?term=' + searchTerms
    // Call the API
    http.get(options, function(response) {
      Log("Got response:" + response.statusCode);
      response.on('data', function(chunk) {
        try {
          queryResponse += chunk;
        } catch(err) {
      response.on('end', function() {
        var ret = JSON.parse(queryResponse);
        try {
          if(typeof ret.list[0].definition === "undefined") {
            Log("DEFINITION: Come on, you're failing at a simple task here.");
            bot.speak("DEFINITION: Come on, you're failing at a simple task here.");
          } else {
            Log("DEFINITION: " + ret.list[0].definition);
            bot.speak("DEFINITION: " + ret.list[0].definition);
        } catch(err) {
          Log("Sorry, some kind of error" + err);
    }).on('error', function(e) {
      bot.speak("Got error: " + e.message);


//Auto-Reconnect to
// set this to 'true' to see lots and LOTS of debug data :-/
bot.debug = false;

// 8888888b.  8888888888        d8888 8888888b. Y88b   d88P 
// 888   Y88b 888              d88888 888  "Y88b Y88b d88P  
// 888    888 888             d88P888 888    888  Y88o88P   
// 888   d88P 8888888        d88P 888 888    888   Y888P    
// 8888888P"  888           d88P  888 888    888    888     
// 888 T88b   888          d88P   888 888    888    888     
// 888  T88b  888         d8888888888 888  .d88P    888     
// 888   T88b 8888888888 d88P     888 8888888P"     888    
bot.on('ready', function () {
  console.log("[ " + BOTNAME + " 2.5 is READY! on " + Date() + " ] ");

//  .d8888b.  8888888b.  8888888888        d8888 888    d8P  
// d88P  Y88b 888   Y88b 888              d88888 888   d8P   
// Y88b.      888    888 888             d88P888 888  d8P    
//  "Y888b.   888   d88P 8888888        d88P 888 888d88K     
//     "Y88b. 8888888P"  888           d88P  888 8888888b    
//       "888 888        888          d88P   888 888  Y88b   
// Y88b  d88P 888        888         d8888888888 888   Y88b  
//  "Y8888P"  888        8888888888 d88P     888 888    Y88b 
bot.on('speak', function (data) {
  //log chat to the console
  console.log( + ': ' + data.text);
  data.text = data.text.trim(); //Get rid of any surrounding whitespace

  // Respond to "uptime" command
  if (data.text.match(/^\/uptime$/i)) {
    upTime(data, false);

// 8888888b.  888b     d888 888b     d888 8888888888 8888888b.  
// 888   Y88b 8888b   d8888 8888b   d8888 888        888  "Y88b 
// 888    888 88888b.d88888 88888b.d88888 888        888    888 
// 888   d88P 888Y88888P888 888Y88888P888 8888888    888    888 
// 8888888P"  888 Y888P 888 888 Y888P 888 888        888    888 
// 888        888  Y8P  888 888  Y8P  888 888        888    888 
// 888        888   "   888 888   "   888 888        888  .d88P 
// 888        888       888 888       888 8888888888 8888888P"  
bot.on('pmmed', function (data) {
  // Respond to "uptime" command
  if (data.text.match(/^\/uptime$/i)) {
    upTime(data, true);

// 888       888  .d8888b.  8888888888 8888888b.  8888888b.   .d88888b.  8888888b.  
// 888   o   888 d88P  Y88b 888        888   Y88b 888   Y88b d88P" "Y88b 888   Y88b 
// 888  d8b  888 Y88b.      888        888    888 888    888 888     888 888    888 
// 888 d888b 888  "Y888b.   8888888    888   d88P 888   d88P 888     888 888   d88P 
// 888d88888b888     "Y88b. 888        8888888P"  8888888P"  888     888 8888888P"  
// 88888P Y88888       "888 888        888 T88b   888 T88b   888     888 888 T88b   
// 8888P   Y8888 Y88b  d88P 888        888  T88b  888  T88b  Y88b. .d88P 888  T88b  
// 888P     Y888  "Y8888P"  8888888888 888   T88b 888   T88b  "Y88888P"  888   T88b 
bot.on('wserror', function (data) { // Loss of connection detected, takes about 20 seconds
  console.log("[ BOT GOT WS ERROR ]: " + data + " on " + Date());
  botDownDATEtime = Date(); // save the down date/time.
  botDownUTCtime =; // save the UTC time the bot went down.
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 10 * 1000); // give the bot 10 seconds to fully fail before attempting to reconnect

//        d8888 888      8888888 888     888 8888888888 
//       d88888 888        888   888     888 888        
//      d88P888 888        888   888     888 888        
//     d88P 888 888        888   Y88b   d88P 8888888    
//    d88P  888 888        888    Y88b d88P  888        
//   d88P   888 888        888     Y88o88P   888        
//  d8888888888 888        888      Y888P    888        
// d88P     888 88888888 8888888     Y8P     8888888888 
bot.on('alive', function () { // Reset the watchdog timer if bot is alive
  if (netwatchdogTimer !== null) {
    netwatchdogTimer = null;

// 8888888888 888     888 888b    888  .d8888b.  d8b         
// 888        888     888 8888b   888 d88P  Y88b 88P         
// 888        888     888 88888b  888 888    888 8P          
// 8888888    888     888 888Y88b 888 888        "  .d8888b  
// 888        888     888 888 Y88b888 888           88K      
// 888        888     888 888  Y88888 888    888    "Y8888b. 
// 888        Y88b. .d88P 888   Y8888 Y88b  d88P         X88 
// 888         "Y88888P"  888    Y888  "Y8888P"      88888P' 
function upTime(data, pm) {
  var timeNow =;
  var upTime = timeNow - startTime;
  var utHours = Math.floor(upTime / (1000 * 3600));
  var utMins = Math.floor((upTime % (3600 * 1000)) / (1000 * 60));
  var utSecs = Math.floor((upTime % (60 * 1000)) / 1000);
  if (reLogins > 0) var relogins = " and gracefully re-logged on due to internet / outages " + reLogins + " time(s). Was last down for " + botDowntime + " second(s)";
  else var relogins = "";
  if (utHours > 0) {
    if (pm)"I've been slaving away for " + utHours + " hour(s) " + utMins + " minute(s) and " + utSecs + " second(s) now!" + relogins, data.senderid);
    else bot.speak("/me has been slaving away for " + utHours + " hour(s) " + utMins + " minute(s) and " + utSecs + " second(s) now!" + relogins);
  } else if (utMins > 0) {
    if (pm)"I've been slaving away for " + utMins + " minute(s) and " + utSecs + " second(s) now!" + relogins, data.senderid);
    else bot.speak("/me has been slaving away for " + utMins + " minute(s) and " + utSecs + " second(s) now!" + relogins);
  } else {
    if (pm)"I've been slaving away for " + utSecs + " second(s) now!" + relogins, data.senderid);
    else bot.speak("/me has been slaving away for " + utSecs + " second(s) now!" + relogins);

function startWatchdog() { // Start the watchdog timer
  if (netwatchdogTimer === null) {
    netwatchdogTimer = setInterval(function () {
      console.log("[ WAITING FOR INTERNET/TT.FM TO COME BACK!!! ]");
      bot.roomRegister(ROOMID, function (data) {
        if (data && data.success) {
          console.log("[ I'M BACK!!!! WEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee!!! ]");
          botDowntime = ( - botDownUTCtime) / 1000;
          reLogins += 1; // Increment the reLogin counter.
"NET/TT.FM WAS DOWN on " + botDownDATEtime + " for " + botDowntime + " second(s)", ADMIN);
          console.log("[ NET/TT.FM WAS DOWN on " + botDownDATEtime + " for " + botDowntime + " second(s) ]");
          // Here you can re-initialize things if you need to, like re-loading a queue
          // ...
    }, 10 * 1000); // Try to log back in every 10 seconds

//Vip List
var vipList = [];
var currentDjs;
var people;
var timer;

var vipListCheck = function ()
    //this kicks all users off stage when the vip list is not empty
    if (vipList.length !== 0 && currentDjs.length != vipList.length)
        for (var p = 0; p < currentDjs.length; p++)
            var checkIfVip = vipList.indexOf(currentDjs[p]);
            if (checkIfVip == -1 && currentDjs[p] != USERID)

setInterval(vipListCheck, 5000); //repeats the check every five seconds. 

//this activates when a user joins the stage.
bot.on('add_dj', function (data)
    //removes dj when they try to join the stage if the vip list has members in it.
    //does not remove the bot
    var checkVip = vipList.indexOf(data);
    if (vipList.length !== 0 && checkVip == -1 && data.user[0].userid != USERID)

        bot.remDj(data.user[0].userid);'The vip list is currently active, only the vips may dj at this time', data.user[0].userid);
        if (timer[data.user[0].userid] !== null)
            timer[data.user[0].userid] = null;
        timer[data.user[0].userid] = setTimeout(function ()
            people[data.user[0].userid] = {
                spamCount: 0
        }, 10 * 1000);

    bot.on('registered', function (data)
    setTimeout(function ()
        bot.speak(data.user[0].name + ', welcome to the room, and have fun being entertained by awesome music!'); //send it in the chatbox'welcome to the room, and have fun being entertained by awesome music!', data.user[0].userid); //send it in the pm    
    }, 3 * 1000); //slow it down 3 seconds

bot.on('endsong', function (data) { 
  var currentdj =;
  var song =;
  var artist =;
  var album =;
  var up_votes =;
  var down_votes =;
  var listeners =;
  var snagCounter =;

  bot.speak(song +" ( "+up_votes+" :+1: "+down_votes+" :-1: "+snagCounter+" <3 "+listeners+" :busts_in_silhouette: )");


var songsLimit = 4;
var djs = {};

bot.on('roomChanged', function (data) {
  var currentDjs =;
  for (var i = 0; i < currentDjs.length; i++) {
    djs[currentDjs[i]] = { nbSong: 0 };

bot.on('add_dj', function (data) {
  djs[data.user[0].userid] = { nbSong: 0 };

bot.on('rem_dj', function (data) {
  delete djs[data.user[0].userid];

bot.on('endsong', function (data) {
  var djId =;
  if (djs[djId] && ++djs[djId].nbSong >= songsLimit) {
    delete djs[djId];

bot.on('speak', function(e) {
  if(e.userid == '4e16f5414fe7d0665b0cacea' && e.text == '/song info') {
    // do something
    bot.speak('The current song is: ' + '' + 'From the artist:' + '' +'From the album: ' + '');

Izzmo commented 11 years ago

Why don't you move the code at the end under your current callback for the 'speak' event? No sense in having 2 of them. I also do not know if the events library allows you to have 2.. but I've never tried it so maybe it works?

Apart from that, it looks fine to me.

gizmotronic commented 11 years ago

@Izzmo yes - you can have two (or more!) different listeners for an event. This is a design feature. They'll be triggered in the order that they are added.

This is mostly a matter of style. Using multiple handlers means that your event handlers can be entirely self-contained, but it can also mean extra code if you need to ensure that only one of the handlers actually does anything.

Izzmo commented 11 years ago

Okay, well then the only thing that could be going wrong is that either your userid is incorrect or the text you are trying to trigger on: /song info is not appearing.

Also... are you saying that in chat or are you saying that in a PM? @Turntablelover

ghost commented 11 years ago

It works in chat, but the command shows no song info, it shows this instead, The current song is: ' + '' + 'From the artist:' + '' +'From the album: ' + ''

Izzmo commented 11 years ago

Right, so if you want to do it in a pm, just replaced bot.on('speak', ... with bot.on('pmmed', ....). The text variable will stay the same, but userid will need to be updated to senderid.

Now, as for it not showing the stats, that's because you are using a literal string instead of the variables representing them. So it should be:

bot.speak('The current song is: ' + + 'From the artist:' + +', From the album: ' +;

Pretty much just needed to remove the quotes around them.

This, obviously, will put it in the main chat. But I recommend, if doing it from PM, to send the message back in a PM, which you would just need to do:'The current song is: ' + + 'From the artist:' + +', From the album: ' +, e.senderid);
ghost commented 11 years ago

@Izzmo when I used the /song info command with your code when the song was playing, the bot didn't give anything back to me.

Izzmo commented 11 years ago

Did you try seeing if it outputs to chat rather than pm first?

ghost commented 11 years ago

it doesn't output in the chat, when i used the command.