alaisi / postgres-async-driver

Asynchronous PostgreSQL Java driver
Apache License 2.0
287 stars 38 forks source link

Provided Example doesn't work #39

Open MuhammedSenussi opened 7 years ago

MuhammedSenussi commented 7 years ago


i've just started using postgres-async-driver and nothing from provided example worked. here is my code:

`@Bean Db db() {"\n\n==> @ VALUE CONNECTING>> {}/[user:{} , pass: {}]\n", DB_URL, DB_URL,DB_PASS); return new ConnectionPoolBuilder() .hostname("localhost") .port(5432) .database("eve-driver") .username(DB_USER) .password(DB_PASS) .poolSize(20) .build(); } @Autowired private Db db;

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

    db.querySet("select 'Hello world!' as message")
    .map(result -> result.row(0).getString("message"))
    db.querySet("insert into driver_event(id, type) values($1, $2)", 123, "hello")
    .subscribe(result -> System.out.printf("Inserted %d rows", result.updatedRows() ));

but nothing printed at all

haraldnh commented 7 years ago

As long as you don't have anything waiting for your async code to complete, I suspect your application shuts down before anything has time to run.

MuhammedSenussi commented 7 years ago


thanks for quick reply. but the application is running not shut down. but no sign that code works even for inserting or retrieve 'hello world'

alaisi commented 7 years ago

Hi, as @haraldnh pointed out, you won't get any output if the JVM exits before the queries are completed.

You can also add a second argument to subscribe to get notified of possible errors (wrong password etc.).

anko94 commented 5 years ago

@MuhammedSenussi How did you beat this issue? I am facing the same problem now. Everything had worked just fine, but on last week i found out that query freezes and never ends. Connection is fine, query simply freezes and does nothing. I already tried migration to java 8 from 11, to spring 2.0.3 from 2.1.4. Nothing helped.