alajmo / pinto

:paintbrush: Create, view and edit vim color themes
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Newbie Confusion: quit then relaunch vim to get downloaded schemes to work for the first time #14

Open Whyglobaleyes opened 2 years ago

Whyglobaleyes commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm fairly new to vim: my main intentions are (a) to move from zim to vimwiki and (b) use vim instead of nano for bash scripts. Both of those need to be pleasing to the eye - for me at least.

I love how the custom colorscheme creator works - the way the syntax object gets highlighted when you to click on an element in the example file, preview pane is just masterful! Wherever you got that idea from - it's brilliant and I'm going to steal it one day! I'm not sure what your plans are with this but honestly I think that pinta should be pinned on every vim tutorial ever and given some sort of recommended status by the core vim team.

I thought I had a problem (I've left the original issue I started writing below) - turns out I don't. I leave this for any who follow ... to get the colorscheme to work for the first time I had to quit then re-launch vim; for some reason entering :so .vimrc didn't work; it's as though reloading the vim config doesn't force vim to update the schemes available in .vim/colors.

The scheme I've downloaded is beautiful. Thank you! Now I'm going to finish it then create another one that's similar in pattern and visual impact but distinctly different ... my goal is to use :autocmd InsertEnter * :colorscheme 1aaA1 and :autocmd InsertLeave * :colorscheme 1aaA2` to have visual cues for which mode I'm in - and hopefully stop typing text in insert mode and entering my commands into the bodytext of my work!.

One feature request/ suggestion: it would be great to be able to edit the example file. Thanks again. I'll be happy as a kid in a sweetshop for the next few days.

bw whyglobaleyes

My problem is that I can't figure out how to apply the trial colorscheme I've created ...

  • downloaded the scheme as both 1aaA2.vim and the json (can upload it if that helps)
  • moved the .vim to ~/.vim/colors
  • (got frustrated so ...moved my vimrc and started with a blank one that has only one line = colorscheme 1aaA2
  • in vim entered :so .vimrc ==> plain white un-formatted text for both [sh] and [markdown] filetypes
  • tried doing :colo 1aaA2 but that didn't help
  • sanity check: if I change the vimrc to colorscheme murphy or enter :colo murphy then those both work and I can switch around to different builtin colorschemes.

So what - basic, idiot error thing - have I done wrong please? thanks in advance. whyglobaleyes

alajmo commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the kind words! And yes, it could be that you need to restart vim for new color schemes to be available.

Editable examples are not possible currently since the examples need to be generated with the correct classnames (for instance, <span title="javaScriptFunction " class="javaScriptFunction">function</span>). To have editable examples, you would somehow need to embed a vim editor in the browser (perhaps this or have the classnames generated automagically somehow using vims colorscheme regex.