alamminsalo / orion

Cross platform client
GNU General Public License v3.0
315 stars 60 forks source link

Please add network debugging #292

Open neurodiverseEsoteric opened 4 years ago

neurodiverseEsoteric commented 4 years ago

I have no idea why Orion fails to play (or at any time really), because I can't tell what the red ring animation is supposed to mean... Debbuging only gives Qt messages...

rakslice commented 4 years ago

It seems like the code can try to use a quality value that the VOD doesn't actually have a stream for. If that's what's happening, you should be able to change the quality pull down in the bottom right and change it back to get it going.

The spinner is very silly IMO. For VODs Orion does no network traffic to speak of for the video, it gets a list of video URLs and hands off which ever one is for the quality to MPV or whatever video player it was built with and the video player does the network requests for the video. The only network requests Orion does after that are for the chat replay.

If the logic in loadAndPlay has no suitable URLs to play for some reason, the least it should do is not try to play it and maybe show an error message, but definitely not show the spinner.