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Lib EN: 'brief' and 'verbose' not Meta Verbs #5

Closed tajmone closed 2 years ago

tajmone commented 3 years ago

I've noticed that in the English Library the commands brief and verbose (defined in brief.i module) are not defined as meta verbs:

  verbose = verbose.

Verb verbose
    Visits 0.
    "Verbose mode is now on."
End verb.

  brief = brief.

Verb brief
    Visits 1000.
    "Brief mode is now on. Location descriptions will only be shown
     the first time you visit."
End verb.

It would probably make sense to make these two commands meta verbs, since they are out-of-world actions dealing with the game play, not the story.

tajmone commented 3 years ago

More Non-Meta Verbs

I've also noticed that none of the the verbs in the meta.i module are defined as meta verbs either, even those dealing with out-of-world gameplay commands: quit, save, restore, restart, score.

Also, the again command should probably be defined as a meta verbs, since it doesn't do anything except pointing out that it doesn't work, so it shouldn't consume a game turn IMO.

Basically, all the verbs defined in the meta.i module should actually be meta verbs (which is why it was called "meta" in the first place), with the exception of wait, which is usually supposed to consume a player turn.

@thoni56, do you have an idea why these are not meta verbs? Was the META construct not available back then?

thoni56 commented 3 years ago

meta was not available in Alan v2 nor in early versions of v3. But as mentioned elsewhere this library should be "modern, ideomatic Alan" so all such verbs should adopt the meta keyword as you suggest.