alan-turing-institute / AssurancePlatform

Project to facilitate creation of Assurance Cases
MIT License
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[User Story]: Enable Custom and Accessibility-Focused Color Schemes in the User Interface #432

Open kallewesterling opened 2 months ago

kallewesterling commented 2 months ago


As an assurance case editor

Desired Feature

I want to select and apply different color schemes for the user interface of the assurance case editor


So that I can customise the appearance to match corporate branding or enhance accessibility for users with visual impairments like color blindness

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am editing an assurance case, WHEN I access the settings menu in the editor interface, THEN I can choose from a list of predefined color schemes, AND I have the option to create a custom color scheme, AND the selected color scheme only affects the interface view and not the exported assurance case.


Technical Notes

Definition of Done