I want to import assurance cases from GitHub using the standard GitHub link to a file, not the raw link
so that I can directly integrate assurance cases shared via GitHub repositories into the platform without manual URL modifications
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN I have the GitHub URL to an assurance case file,
WHEN I enter this URL into the import interface of the TEA platform,
THEN the platform should automatically find the raw representation of the JSON file.
AND validate the JSON file against the predefined assurance case schema.
AND if the JSON is valid, import the assurance case into the platform.
AND if the JSON is invalid, provide a detailed error message explaining the validation failures.
Completion of a JSON schema that can verify the validity of assurance case JSON files.
Technical Notes
Research and develop functionality to convert GitHub file URLs to their corresponding raw URLs.
Ensure the backend handles the fetching and validation of JSON files from GitHub correctly.
Definition of Done
[X] The feature fulfills all acceptance criteria.
[X] The code is reviewed and meets team coding standards.
[X] All unit, integration, and end-to-end tests are passed.
[X] The feature meets accessibility standards set for the project.
[X] The code passes the CI/CD pipeline quality controls (style and linting).
[X] The feature is merged into the main branch.
[X] The feature is deployed and functional in the QA environment.
[X] The feature was demonstrated to the team and accepted by the product owner.
As an assurance case editor
Desired Feature
I want to import assurance cases from GitHub using the standard GitHub link to a file, not the raw link
so that I can directly integrate assurance cases shared via GitHub repositories into the platform without manual URL modifications
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN I have the GitHub URL to an assurance case file, WHEN I enter this URL into the import interface of the TEA platform, THEN the platform should automatically find the raw representation of the JSON file. AND validate the JSON file against the predefined assurance case schema. AND if the JSON is valid, import the assurance case into the platform. AND if the JSON is invalid, provide a detailed error message explaining the validation failures.
Technical Notes
Definition of Done