alan-turing-institute / AssurancePlatform

Project to facilitate creation of Assurance Cases
MIT License
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[User Story]: Enable Drag-and-Drop JSON File Upload for Importing Projects #485

Open kallewesterling opened 2 weeks ago

kallewesterling commented 2 weeks ago


As an assurance case editor

Desired Feature

I want to drag and drop a JSON file directly onto the Import File window


So that I can conveniently upload assurance cases without navigating through file dialogs, enhancing the user experience and reducing the time it takes to import projects

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I have opened the 'Import File...' option in the TEA platform, AND I have a valid JSON file ready to import, WHEN I drag and drop the JSON file into the designated window, THEN the file should upload successfully without redirecting me to an error page, AND I should receive visual confirmation that the upload was successful.


No response

Technical Notes

Definition of Done