alan-turing-institute / AutSPACEs

Code respository for AutSPACEs: the Autistica/Turing citizen science platform
MIT License
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Co-creating data sharing options #666

Open GeorgiaHCA opened 6 months ago

GeorgiaHCA commented 6 months ago


We’ve made a start in the past two monthly meet-ups with a strategy for the complex question of how we manage and share the data that AutSPACEs collects. There was interest in continuing the discussion sooner than the next meet up, so the idea is to have a co-creation session between now and May and use it to make the strategy more clear and precise. It would also be great to have a doc where people can easily share thoughts asynchronously.


People wanted to meet before next month so mid-April could work.

What needs to be done?

Suggested action plan:

Who can help?


Suggest the following questions to clarify with the community although it's quite a long list?

📍What are the fundamental values we want to base our process on? 📍Who should be on the assessment panel and how should we recruit them? 📍What should be the criteria for assessment? 📍What should we ask applicants? 📍How can we build in accountability? 📍Any other questions, ideas, or concerns?

Google Doc: