alan-turing-institute / AutSPACEs

Code respository for AutSPACEs: the Autistica/Turing citizen science platform
MIT License
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GSoC 2021: Project ideas and assessment requirements #88

Closed GeorgiaHCA closed 3 years ago

GeorgiaHCA commented 3 years ago

:tada: Welcome GSoC Contributors! This is The AutSPACEs platform development repository :tada:

:dizzy: We're excited that you're here and want to contribute. :dizzy:


Assessing GSoC candidates

Contributing during the GSoC exploration phase is meant to assess how well the candidates’ work fit the requirement of a project.

We are seeking a GSOC mentee with web development skills to work on building the platform in Django with a researcher and an experienced developer. This is a complex project with multiple elements, and the repository still needs refining. Being able to work with this repository and deal well with complexity is key to doing well on these tasks, and will be a criteria of success. Building the platform will involve elements of UX/UI design focussing on the needs and preferences of autistic collaborators.

We are therefore looking for the ability to deploy an app on Heroku which works with Open Humans, as well as evidence of Django experience, and a demonstration of understanding of, and interest in, the features in the requirements list.

Other technical contributions are always welcome, but non-assessable contributions like fixing a broken link or typos will not be sufficient to build a proposal with AutSPACEs - we need to learn about your ability to work on the technical aspects as well as your collaboration skills, while offering you a welcoming environment to participate in an Open Source project.

It should NOT be assumed that contributing to the project will automatically secure you a position as a GSoC participant.

Specific tasks for assessment

We will assess interested GSOC students against the following criteria:

Step 0: Familiarise yourself with our project

Take some time to explore the repositories which are associated with AutSPACEs, and familiarise yourself with the project, and where different aspects of the project are held and discussed:

Step 1: Deploy an Open Humans data upload project on Heroku

Use the guide at to create an Open Humans data upload project.

As part of setting up the project, you will need to enter some information into the Open Humans website to describe your project. We have developed some recommended entries for the form to help you create the project. We have listed those under Resources at the end of this issue.

We will be looking for a working project which is created on Open Humans and deployed on Heroku. When it is successfully deployed you should see a page looking like this:


Once you have linked the page to the project you set up on the Open Humans website, you should be able to login and go to the Project Config page:

Our goal with this requirement is to check that you have the skills to follow the instructions at Open Humans to launch an example project. Please make sure that your project is configured so that we can upload some data. If you would like to customise your deployment in other ways, we encourage you to experiment with the html / css and text to do so.

Step 2: show us your Django skills!

This project is quite early in its development and we are aware that you the github repositories can be a little challenging to contribute to. (We're working on it! And we're looking forward to having a GSOC student who can help us!)

In lieu of it being easy for you to contribute to this project we'd like to see your skills in Django development. We'd like to see a GitHub repository and associated deployment of a Django webapp.

Our goal with this requirement is to check that you have the Python and web development skills to work on the platform this summer.

Step 3: Choose a platform feature that you could work on during GSOC

We have a list of requirements for the platform listed in this repository in the platform-design/

Choose one of those requirements and write a short paragraph of no more than 500 words that explains how you would implement that requirement.

Our goal with this requirement is to check that you understand the purpose of the development requirements that we have in mind, and that you can communicate that understanding clearly.

What can AutSPACEs offer during this period?

As an Open Source and contribution-driven project, we would like to invite interested candidates to start engaging with the project as a contributor. Please be sure that you follow our contribution guidelines and code of conduct.

For any further questions, please comment below!

Submitting your work

Please open a pull request to add a markdown file to the GSoC-2021 folder.

Name the file using your first and last names ( and complete the following information inside the file.

# GSOC2021 Expression of Interest: [NAME] (replace with your name)

## Assessment step 1

*Add a link to your deployed heroku app here.*

## Assessment step 2

*Add a link to your Django project's GitHub repository here.*

## Assessment step 3

*Add a short paragraph explaining one of the development requirements that you'd like to work on, how you'd address the need, and why you consider it to be of interest.*

Templated answers for setting up a project on Open Humans

Here you can see our suggested answers to help you create a sample project on Open Humans.

Open Humans: create a project

Is this project a study or an activity? *Activity

Project name: [Choose your own name]

Leader(s) or principal investigator(s): [Your name]

Organization or institution: Alan Turing Institute

Is this institution or organization an academic institution or non-profit organization? Yes

If your project collects data, choose "Add data" here. If you choose "Add data", you will need to provide a "Returned data description" below. Add data

If your project performs analysis on data, choose "Explore & share". Explore & share

Contact email for your project: [Your email]

URL for general information about your project:

A short description Testing application for submission to GSoC to work on the Autistica/Turing AutSPACEs project

A long description "This is a test application for the Turing/Autistica citizen scieence project. Numerous studies have confirmed that autistic people experience sensory processing differences, and that this can significantly impact their lives. One aspect which is not yet fully understood is how these differences affect the ways in which autistic people navigate different environments. Using participatory methods, this project will build a citizen scientist platform which will collect rich information about people's experiences navigating the world. The data can be used to improve public and private spaces for autistic people, educate the public, and help create strategies to cope with, and remove, barriers autistic people may face."

Description of data you plan to upload to member accounts This application is a test only and will only upload test, made-up data.

Active Yes

Badge image: [Choose your own image]

Are you requesting Open Humans usernames? Yes

Erasure supported Yes

Deauthorize email notifications No

Requested sources None as yet

Enrollment URL [yourprojecturl]

Information URL

Terms of Use URL

Redirect URL [yourprojecturl/complete]

Webhook secret leave blank for now

Deauthorization Webhook URL

anoura12 commented 3 years ago

Hi! Since this issue is a WIP, should we go ahead and familiarize ourselves with the repositories to start with?

GeorgiaHCA commented 3 years ago

Hiya, thanks for your comment and welcome @anoura12 ! Yes, please do take a look through the repositories until the issue above is no longer a work in progress. I'm still getting feedback and wouldn't want you to lose any time on something which might change. Should be open soon and I'll keep everyone posted on the #autistica-turing slack channel as well. You are welcome to join our Slack channel, here is a link to the full Slack Workspace for Open Humans. Please join #autistica-turing to connect with others about the project and for GSoC discussions.

anoura12 commented 3 years ago

Hi, is this issue complete or still a WIP? I was just wondering since the feedback date is on the 25th.

GeorgiaHCA commented 3 years ago

This issue is now OPEN for GSoC students to work on! 🎉

anoura12 commented 3 years ago

This is with regard to uploading data to your project in Step 1 of the issue.

By @KirstieJane - We'll test by uploading, but we'll be looking to see your instructions etc so it makes sense for you to have a think about what data you're expecting us to upload. Which means I'd expect for you to have uploaded some as an example.

anoura12 commented 3 years ago Here's the link to my pull request

GeorgiaHCA commented 3 years ago

Closing this now - fabulous work @anoura12 ! ❤️