alan-turing-institute / DetectorChecker

Project to develop software to assess developing detector screen damage (Web App based on the original DetectorChecker package)
MIT License
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Code change workflow #2

Closed martintoreilly closed 5 years ago

martintoreilly commented 6 years ago

We are proposing to use Githubflow as our workflow.

  1. Pick a self-contained change to make to the code.
  2. Create a new branch for the change using git checkout -b <branch-name>
  3. Make the changes you would like to make
  4. Save as many checkpoints as you would like as you make the changes by making a new commit by:
    • Telling git which files you want to include in the checkpoint using git add <filename> for each file
      • Make a commit using git commit -m "Short, meaningful commit message"
      • (optionally) push the commit to Github using git push. This lets other people on the project see and work on the changes in your branch.
  5. When you have made all the changes you would like, make sure Github has a copy of your branch with the latest changes using git push
  6. Open a pull request on Github. To do this select your branch on Github and press the "Compare branch and create pull request" button. This tells Github you would like to merge the changes in your branch into the shared master branch. We do this to allow:
    • Other people in the project to review and comment on your changes
    • Allow Github to run any automated tests to ensure that you've not broken anything with your changes