alan-turing-institute / PDSampler.jl

Piecewise Deterministic Sampler library (Bouncy particle sampler, Zig Zag sampler, ...)
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Testing script Azure #18

Closed tlienart closed 7 years ago

tlienart commented 7 years ago

Executing machine Mi needs to have

the data can be obtained via the file ratings.dat from it's got a crappy format so before putting that on machine it should be pre-processed as:

sed s/::/,/g ratings.dat > ratings.csv

On the machine Mi, call julia -e "child.jl", recuperate generated data child_(hash).jld + STDERR and STDOUT (if possible)

The format of a child script is (

LATENT_D   = 30
SIGMA_U    = 10.0
SIGMA_V    = 20.0
SIGMA_R    =  1.0
LAMBDAREF  =   .01
MAXT       = Inf


the first 8 lines can trivially be generated from the python mother script. Ideally we would want ranges for one or two of those and that would form one experiment. So the mother script would have

SIGMA_U = [10.0, 20.0]
SIGMA_V = [10.0, 20.0]

which would generate four children script (cartesian product), all other parameters should be fixed and that should correspond to four machines.

The code for the general script generalchild is on

@martintoreilly if you could adapt your mother script so that it can send to an executing machines the data, what is needed so that this call julia -e "child.jl"works, it would be fantastic, thanks!

tlienart commented 7 years ago

PS: with MAXNEVENTS=10 the algorithm should be very quick (testing ground). In practice it will be put to something like 10000

tlienart commented 7 years ago
### PART FOR THE USER (note the arrays)

bd = Dict(
           "LATENT_D"   => 30,
           "SIGMA_R"    => [0.5,1.0,3.0],
           "SIGMA_U"    => [10.0,15.0],
           "SIGMA_V"    => [20.0,25.0],
           "LAMBDAREF"  => [.01,.05],
           "MAXNEVENTS" => 10,
           "MAXT"       => Inf

### PART FOR US ### (this could be a separate script further down the line)

using Iterators

sk = [k for k in keys(bd) if length(bd[k])==1]
mk = [k for k in keys(bd) if length(bd[k])>1]

basestring = ""
for k in sk
    basestring *= k * " = " * string(bd[k][1]) * "; "

strings = String[]

for tpl in product([bd[k] for k in mk]...)
    str = basestring
    for (i,k) in enumerate(mk)
        str *= k * " = " * string(tpl[i]) * "; "
    push!(strings, str * "include(\"generalchild.jl\")")

open("test","w") do f
    for s in strings
        write(f, "julia -e \""*s*"\"\n")
>> head test
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 0.5; LAMBDAREF = 0.01; SIGMA_U = 10.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 1.0; LAMBDAREF = 0.01; SIGMA_U = 10.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 3.0; LAMBDAREF = 0.01; SIGMA_U = 10.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 0.5; LAMBDAREF = 0.05; SIGMA_U = 10.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 1.0; LAMBDAREF = 0.05; SIGMA_U = 10.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 3.0; LAMBDAREF = 0.05; SIGMA_U = 10.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 0.5; LAMBDAREF = 0.01; SIGMA_U = 15.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 1.0; LAMBDAREF = 0.01; SIGMA_U = 15.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 3.0; LAMBDAREF = 0.01; SIGMA_U = 15.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 0.5; LAMBDAREF = 0.05; SIGMA_U = 15.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include("generalchild.jl")"
tlienart commented 7 years ago

So I would just define a dict with the name bd, this would generate a file with each line being as the one above which you should be able to put in the queue verbatim. Or maybe adding some stuff before and after.

tlienart commented 7 years ago

hmm the include may have to be double escaped

### PART FOR THE USER (note the arrays)

bd = Dict(
           "LATENT_D"   => 30,
           "SIGMA_R"    => [0.5,1.0,3.0],
           "SIGMA_U"    => [10.0,15.0],
           "SIGMA_V"    => [20.0,25.0],
           "LAMBDAREF"  => [.01,.05],
           "MAXNEVENTS" => 10,
           "MAXT"       => Inf

### PART FOR US ### (this could be a separate script further down the line)

using Iterators

sk = [k for k in keys(bd) if length(bd[k])==1]
mk = [k for k in keys(bd) if length(bd[k])>1]

basestring = ""
for k in sk
    basestring *= k * " = " * string(bd[k][1]) * "; "

strings = String[]

for tpl in product([bd[k] for k in mk]...)
    str = basestring
    for (i,k) in enumerate(mk)
        str *= k * " = " * string(tpl[i]) * "; "
    push!(strings, str * "include(\\\"generalchild.jl\\\")")

open("test","w") do f
    for s in strings
        write(f, "julia -e \""*s*"\"\n")
julia -e "LATENT_D = 30; MAXNEVENTS = 10; MAXT = Inf; SIGMA_R = 0.5; LAMBDAREF = 0.01; SIGMA_U = 10.0; SIGMA_V = 20.0; include(\"generalchild.jl\")"

yeah that works