alan-turing-institute / data-classification-app

Classification webapp for the Turing Data Safe Haven
MIT License
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Introductory text to describe the web-app #214

Closed bw-faststream closed 4 years ago

bw-faststream commented 4 years ago

Welcome to the data safe haven web-app. This is a tool to help you carry out research projects on secure organisational and personal data, by guiding you through the classification process, and giving instruction on how to handle personal data.

It is essential that sensitive or confidential datasets are kept secure, to enable analysis of personal data in compliance with data protection law. Classification is based on considering the sensitivity of all information handled in the project, and does not depend only on the input datasets, but on combining information with other information.

In the safe haven model, there are three key roles:

Investigator - The research project lead, this individual is responsible for ensuring that project staff comply with the Environment's security policies.

The Dataset Provider is the organisation who provided the dataset under analysis. The Dataset Provider will designate a single representative contact to liaise with the Investigator, authorised to certify sharing of datasets with the researchers.

Referee - A Referee volunteers to review code or derived data (data which is computed from the original dataset), providing evidence to the Investigator and Dataset Provider Representative that the researchers are complying with data handling practices.

To classify a work package, each individual will go through a series of questions, to help understand the legal sensitivity of the data involved, and the consequences of a data breach.

steven-cd commented 4 years ago

@bw-faststream Do you have an opinion on where in the app this text should be displayed? This is a picture of it on the front page, but another option would be to move it to a dedicated help section (perhaps retaining a small part of it on this page). There may be other pages as well it could be suited for.


bw-faststream commented 4 years ago

@steven-cd that looks really good, and I prefer the text on the front page, with the button at the bottom so it prompts you to read the text - perhaps have all of the text as a single size?

steven-cd commented 4 years ago

Fixed by bad3e71