alan-turing-institute / data-safe-haven
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Unable to deploy SHM and SRE to different subscriptions #2201

Closed JimMadge closed 1 month ago

JimMadge commented 1 month ago

:white_check_mark: Checklist

:computer: System information

:package: Packages

List of packages ```none Paste list of packages here ```

:no_entry_sign: Describe the problem

It is not possibly to deploy a TRE across subscriptions, with SREs deployed to subscriptions not containing their SHM.

:deciduous_tree: Log messages

Relevant log messages ```none Your log details here ```

:recycle: To reproduce

jemrobinson commented 1 month ago

In the SRENetworkingComponent we attempt to add a record to the SHM DNS zone. If this is in another subscription, our regular Pulumi provider won't be able to find it - we need to add a separate Pulumi provider in this file that is connected to the SHM subscription.

JimMadge commented 1 month ago

Would it be sensible to the the AzureSDK to add DNS records? (Given we have no SHMProjectManager)

JimMadge commented 1 month ago

Actually, if this works for us a bit of code like this looks pretty easy and clean

class MyResource(pulumi.ComponentResource):
    def __init__(self, name, opts):
        instance = aws.ec2.Instance("instance", ..., opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self))
        pod = kubernetes.core.v1.Pod("pod", ..., opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self))

useast1 = aws.Provider("useast1", region="us-east-1")
myk8s = kubernetes.Provider("myk8s", context="test-ci")
my_resource = MyResource("myResource", pulumi.ResourceOptions(providers={
    "aws": useast1,
    "kubernetes": myk8s,
jemrobinson commented 1 month ago

Doing this with Pulumi should be as simple as replacing:

shm_ns_record = network.RecordSet(
                child_opts, ResourceOptions(parent=sre_dns_zone)


shm_provider = pulumi_azure_native.provider.Provider(subscription_id="shm-subscription-id")
shm_ns_record = network.RecordSet(
                child_opts, ResourceOptions(parent=sre_dns_zone, provider=shm_provider)
JimMadge commented 1 month ago

Yes, I was worried it would mean creating a new stack etc. and making another call to the Pulumi CLI :+1: