Closed JimMadge closed 1 month ago
In the SRENetworkingComponent
we attempt to add a record to the SHM DNS zone. If this is in another subscription, our regular Pulumi provider won't be able to find it - we need to add a separate Pulumi provider in this file that is connected to the SHM subscription.
Would it be sensible to the the AzureSDK to add DNS records? (Given we have no SHMProjectManager
Actually, if this works for us a bit of code like this looks pretty easy and clean
class MyResource(pulumi.ComponentResource):
def __init__(self, name, opts):
instance = aws.ec2.Instance("instance", ..., opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self))
pod = kubernetes.core.v1.Pod("pod", ..., opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self))
useast1 = aws.Provider("useast1", region="us-east-1")
myk8s = kubernetes.Provider("myk8s", context="test-ci")
my_resource = MyResource("myResource", pulumi.ResourceOptions(providers={
"aws": useast1,
"kubernetes": myk8s,
Doing this with Pulumi should be as simple as replacing:
shm_ns_record = network.RecordSet(
child_opts, ResourceOptions(parent=sre_dns_zone)
shm_provider = pulumi_azure_native.provider.Provider(subscription_id="shm-subscription-id")
shm_ns_record = network.RecordSet(
child_opts, ResourceOptions(parent=sre_dns_zone, provider=shm_provider)
Yes, I was worried it would mean creating a new stack etc. and making another call to the Pulumi CLI :+1:
:white_check_mark: Checklist
:computer: System information
:package: Packages
List of packages
```none Paste list of packages here ```:no_entry_sign: Describe the problem
It is not possibly to deploy a TRE across subscriptions, with SREs deployed to subscriptions not containing their SHM.
:deciduous_tree: Log messages
Relevant log messages
```none Your log details here ```:recycle: To reproduce