alan-turing-institute / data-safe-haven
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Use Pulumi to create Entra applications #2248

Closed jemrobinson closed 2 weeks ago

jemrobinson commented 3 weeks ago

:white_check_mark: Checklist

:vertical_traffic_light: Depends on


:arrow_heading_up: Summary

Replace creation of SRE Entra applications through the SDK with creation through pulumi-azuread.

Note we still need one SDK-created Entra application in the SHM which is used to authenticate pulumi-azuread.

The msgraph_permissions map looks up the GUIDs for all possible permissions. We could consider replacing this with a static lookup table that only covers the ones we need.

:closed_umbrella: Related issues

Closes #2215

:microscope: Tests

Tested on a fresh SRE deployment

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Coverage report

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(new stmts)
Lines missing
  data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite 23-30, 53, 78, 102-151
  data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs 156
  data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre 28-30, 43-47, 57-121 39-40 58-59
Project Total  

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jemrobinson commented 2 weeks ago

@JimMadge : My biggest worry here is that we add an entry for the Microsoft Graph Service Principal to our state file. This contains a huge amount of data (which more than doubles the size of the state file). Since we're only using it to get the GUIDs for various named permissions, we could replace the bits we need with an Enum or lookup-table. However, this would mean that we would be out-of-sync if any of these GUIDs changed (unlikely to happen as this would break a lot of third-party code).

What do you think?

JimMadge commented 2 weeks ago

@jemrobinson is that the long version of the note about msgraph_permissions in the PR?

How large is it exactly, does it cause problems? I'd be happy to leave it. Might actually provide some protection against Entra configuration changing.

jemrobinson commented 2 weeks ago

@jemrobinson is that the long version of the note about msgraph_permissions in the PR?


How large is it exactly, does it cause problems? I'd be happy to leave it. Might actually provide some protection against Entra configuration changing.

About 12k lines (of which we use maybe 4-5 lines) of a 30k JSON file for a full SRE deployment. Also, we should note that the GraphApi class already has a partial copy of this (see below), so abstracting it into a common class could actually simplify our current structure.

JimMadge commented 2 weeks ago

@jemrobinson That sounds like a good idea then, if the stack doesn't really need the full set :+1:.

I'm not super worried though because it is just a few kb in a file we don't expect people to read or edit by hand.

jemrobinson commented 2 weeks ago

@JimMadge : this is actually a bigger refactor than I'd realised. Let's merge this as-is (if you're happy).