alan-turing-institute / eider

eider: an R package for processing health records declaratively
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Featurisation Spec #11

Closed helendduncan closed 7 months ago

helendduncan commented 8 months ago

Description Based on issue #8 to produce an R data structure containing the information specified by a user in a human-readable json file, to be passed to a transformer to perform

  1. We assume that all input tables have been sufficiently 'cleaned up' i.e. data types are appropriate, etc. The cleaning of raw data is out of scope for this issue.

  2. Features are specified as JSON in a declarative manner (i.e. the code specifies all the information required to calculate the value of a feature, such as but not limited to the source table, column name, lookback period, and the type of transformation to be performed)

    • Human-readable alternatives to JSON can be considered
    • One thing to consider is whether each feature should be its own file, or whether they should be combined into one file. So far the discussion has centred on the latter, but I could see the former being of use.
    • We aim to make the JSON schema as complete as possible to minimise the need for changes further down the line. We can draw on: (1) the example JSON file Simon provided; and (2) the spreadsheet containing the list of features.
      • Each feature should be associated with some kind of 'transformation_type', which could be for example: 'count' to count the number of occurrences of some event, 'sum' to add up all values, ...
      • The feature must also contain a way to specify a subset of rows / columns over which these transformations are to be performed, which typically looks like 'all rows containing V value in C column'.
      • It must be able to generalise to multiple values of V and C, and also combine them using OR or AND statements (i.e. contains V1 in C1 OR V2 in C2, vs. contains V1 in C1 AND V2 in C2). Negation (i.e. does NOT contain V1 in C1) is probably a good thing to include
  3. The JSON files will be parsed into an appropriate R data structure to be determined.

    • Each feature is to be one object, which we tentatively call an RFeature (the equivalent in Python would almost certainly be a class).
    • This object should probably contain in its attributes entirely the same information as the individual features in the JSON file.


Success Criteria

Relevant Pull Requests

helendduncan commented 8 months ago

Proposed layout of R object/Class

    primary_filter: AND
            data_column_name: “attendance_type”,
            type: IN 
            values: [7]
            type: OR 
                    data_column_name: “diagnosis_1”
                    type: IN
                    values: [1,2]
                    type: IN
                    values: [1,2]
                    type: IN
                    values, [1,2]
            type: GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL
            data_column_name: “attendance_date”
            value: 2020-02-01
            type: LESS_THAN
            data_column_name: “attendance_date”
            value: 2024-02-01

Here this will correspond to a search for attendance_type of 7, AND (diagnosis_1, 2, or 3 having a value of (1 OR 2)) AND the date being greater than or equal to the first of Feb 2020, AND the date being less than the first of Feb 2024

helendduncan commented 8 months ago
my_object <- list(
    source_file = "ae2.csv", 
    transformation_type = "your_transformation_type",
    primary_filter = "AND",
    subfilter_1 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_type", operator = "%in%", values = 7),
    subfilter_2 = list(
        list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_1", operator = "%in%", values = c(1, 2)),
        list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_2", operator = "%in%", values = c(1, 2)),
        list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_3", operator = "%in%", values = c(1, 2))
    subfilter_3 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_date", operator = ">=", values = as.Date("2022-01-01")),
    subfilter_4 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_date", operator = "<", values = as.Date("2024-02-01"))

Updated proposed object @yongrenjie which would correspond to the case above

yongrenjie commented 8 months ago

how to specify subfilter 2 is OR


subfilter_1 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_type", type = "IN", values = 7),
subfilter_2 = list(
    type = "OR",
    filters = list(
        list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_1", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2)),
        list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_2", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2)),
        list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_3", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2))
helendduncan commented 8 months ago
my_object <- list(
    source_file = "ae2.csv", 
    transformation_type = "your_transformation_type",
    primary_filter = "AND",
    filter = list(
        subfilter_1 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_type", operator = "%in%", values = 7),
        subfilter_2 = "OR",
            filter = list(
                subfilter_21 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_1", operator = "%in%", values = c(1, 2)),
                subfilter_22 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_2", operator = "%in%", values = c(1, 2)),
                subfilter_23 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_3", operator = "%in%", values = c(1, 2))
        subfilter_3 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_date", operator = ">=", values = as.Date("2022-01-01")),
        subfilter_4 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_date", operator = "<", values = as.Date("2024-02-01"))
yongrenjie commented 8 months ago
my_object <- list(
    source_file = "ae2.csv", 
    transformation_type = "your_transformation_type",
    primary_filter = list(
        type = "AND",
        filter = list(
            subfilter_1 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_type", type = "IN", values = 7),
            subfilter_2 = "OR",
                filter = list(
                    subfilter_21 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_1", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2)),
                    subfilter_22 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_2", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2)),
                    subfilter_23 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_3", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2))
            subfilter_3 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_date", type = "GT_EQ", values = as.Date("2022-01-01")),
            subfilter_4 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_date", type = "LT", values = as.Date("2024-02-01"))

my_object <- list(
    source_file = "ae2.csv", 
    transformation_type = "your_transformation_type",
    primary_filter = list(
        type = "IN",
        data_column_name = "attendance_type",
        values = c(7, 8)
helendduncan commented 8 months ago
my_object <- list(
    source_file = "ae2.csv", 
    transformation_type = "your_transformation_type",
    primary_filter = list(
        type = "AND",
        filter = list(
            subfilter_1 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_type", type = "IN", values = 7),
            subfilter_2 = list(
                type = "OR",
                filter = list(
                    subfilter_21 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_1", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2)),
                    subfilter_22 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_2", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2)),
                    subfilter_23 = list(data_column_name = "diagnosis_3", type = "IN", values = c(1, 2))
            subfilter_3 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_date", type = "GT_EQ", values = as.Date("2022-01-01")),
            subfilter_4 = list(data_column_name = "attendance_date", type = "LT", values = as.Date("2024-02-01"))

# Loop through all subfilters under the primary filter
for (i in seq_along(my_object$primary_filter$filter)) {
    subfilter <- my_object$primary_filter$filter[[i]]

    # Print the details of the subfilter
    print(paste("-------------", i,"-------------"))
    # If the subfilter has an additional filter, display the details and it's subfilters
    if (!is.null(subfilter$filter)) {
        print(paste("Subfilter", i, "has an additional filter it is a(n)",subfilter$type, "filter."))
        print("Within this subfilter, the following (sub)subfilters are present:")
        for (j in seq_along(subfilter$filter)) {
            print(paste("Subfilter", i,j))
            print(paste("The data column name is", subfilter$filter[[j]]$data_column_name, 
            "and the type of filter is", subfilter$filter[[j]]$type, 
            "with the value(s)", paste(subfilter$filter[[j]]$values, collapse = ", ")))
    # Else just display the details for the subfilter
    } else {
        print(paste("Subfilter", i, "does not have an additional filter."))
        print(paste("The data column name is", subfilter$data_column_name, "and the type of filter is", subfilter$type, "with the value(s)", paste(subfilter$values, collapse = ","), "."))

Potential features object and a potential method of accessing keys? Does that look somewhat sensible @yongrenjie (feel free to say if not!)

yongrenjie commented 8 months ago

Yeah that looks good!!

helendduncan commented 8 months ago

Hi @yongrenjie So I have the function to parse the json to the feature object. The gist is that the user-defined json input file looks something like this And running feature <- json_to_feature("../example_ip.json”) should produce the feature described in the issue on Monday. I haven’t been able to update the notebook, but I hope this makes sense?

yongrenjie commented 8 months ago

@helendduncan I think this is great!! 🤩 It was super satisfying to run feature <- json_to_feature("../example_ip.json”) in the R console hehe

Having taken a real quick look at the detailed structure, I think there are just a couple of teensy differences between what you parse the JSON to and what my functions want. I'm assuming that you're going to be busy tomorrow morning with the Baskerville course too. So I'll go ahead and merge your PR first and see if I can get both sides to play well together before our meeting 😄

helendduncan commented 8 months ago

Thank @yongrenjie yes sorry it's a busy day today and if you've got time then I'd appreciate it But no worries if not

helendduncan commented 7 months ago

Spec has been largely defined by a range of closed PRs, and additional features can be added easily now - closing issues