alan-turing-institute / netts

Toolbox for creating networks capturing semantic content of speech transcripts.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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🎨 Remove server lifecycle management from SpeechGraph #88

Closed OscartGiles closed 3 years ago

OscartGiles commented 3 years ago


Remove server life cycle management from speech graph



Information for reviewer

Iain-S commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in the comments, I have had to make some interesting changes to the tests in order to get them to pass on GitHub.

We now check for the GITHUB_ACTIONS (Note - not GITHUB_ACTION) environment variable. If it is true we use special NLP and OpenIE clients, descended from our usual ones, in the test. These clients stop one another so that they aren't both running at the same time. This is because the GitHub VMs don't have enough memory to run both (one or the other will be silently killed by the OS).

This means that the test behaviour is slightly different on GitHub than locally, which isn't ideal. However, it means that tests run much quicker locally and you can always use export GITHUB_ACTIONS='true' if you want the GitHub behaviour on your dev machine.

All of this has also added complication to the testing but I can't really see any other way around it.